The ace of swords? your tarot card

The "Ace of Swords": What does this card mean?

Short and sweet
Spiritual power, clear mind, discernment, knowledge, objectivity

Ask, analyze the situation, give you clarity? then you will make the right decision.

The "Ace of Swords": What does the tarot card show?

Above a mountainous landscape emerges from the clouds a bright white hand holding a sword erect in its fist. Maybe it's an angel hand?

The ace, the first card of the swords, and all 13 other cards that follow him in this color series, symbolize in the tarot the invisible but very moving world of thoughts and ideas, of reason and intellect. The sword of consciousness is a gift of God, a gift of creation that first makes us human beings what we are. Among other things, his sharp edge symbolizes our ability to discriminate, the ability to judge right and wrong, yes and no, and then make decisions. But it also stands for the endeavor to interpret life in the sense of an abstract, ordering structure in order to process our experiences and environmental impressions in a meaningful way.

"I think so I am," said the philosopher René Descartes. Spirit is what makes us humans the crown of creation? The crown on the tip of the sword adorned with an olive branch and a palm frond, from which the golden sparkling of the esprit rain, could indicate this.

But reason alone is a very cold power. In the world of tarot cards, before we see ourselves as too top-heavy, seeing everything through the lens of reason, and rethinking and pondering our lives, the existence of three other equivalent gifts of God is preserved: the passion of the sticks ("Ace of Chalices") and the sense of reality ("Ace of Coins"). Only the interaction of all four forces makes true humanity.

As a day ticket: If the Tarot picture "Ace of Swords" stands for you

A flashy day is ahead of you! Your brain turns at full speed, you have one great idea after the other and convincing all with cleverly chosen, accurate to the point words. Use the favor of the hour for a long-overdue discussion with the loved one, the girlfriend or the boss! Now you can expose lies as clearly as you make the right decisions.

As the Love-Red: If the tarot card "Ace of Swords" stands for your partner or your relationship

Extensive discussions are probably on your agenda now. Your sweetheart annoys something, because he likes to behave so cool and rational that it could easily be confused with a refrigerator. Maybe one or the other bomb will burst in your debates, but perhaps you will come a lot closer by blunt honesty. Do not focus only on what makes you different; also appreciates the similarities! Whoever thinks only in polarities only sees black and white? and not a bit more colorful!

The "Ace of swords": Map assignments

In Tarot: Small Arcana, Number Cards

Further names of the card: Ace of Swords (Rider Waite Tarot / Aleister Crowley Tarot)

Element / Astrology: Air ? the air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius)

The Ace of Swords as Feelings in a Love Reading (May 2024).

Tarot card, love-red, day pass, reason