Super fast made: This is our favorite Christmas hairstyle

Simply pretty!

It should go fast. And still look glamorous. But not too crumpled. We have found the ideal Christmas hairstyle, which is quickly styled and still looks chic and cool at the same time. And best of all, it can be worn from earlobe to hip-length hair, with or without a pony. It is only important that you apply the correct Toupiertechnik and the half braid nice and straight stuck. We show you how.

Our Christmas hairstyle tutorial

So you can imitate the Christmas hairstyle

Step 1: Who right a lot of hair has, selects this variant: Two thick strands of hair at the back of the head cut off, the front first to put forward and screw the rear and to a snail. This serves as a substructure for the Half up Hair.

who thinner hair has, can work with a Duttkissen or a hair roller of foam, which is stuck under a thick severed hair.

Step 2: Stick the snail (or the dou- ble cushion) with hairpins as invisibly as possible under the knot.

Step 3: Treat the strand of hair with a Toupier comb. Then add hair to the right and left and summarize it at the back. Of course, the hair shop a bit, so that creates volume at the back of the head. If you like, you can take a pretty hair clip to pin it down.


Ruckzuck, Christmas