Vera Wang: So down-to-earth the fashion designer thinks about herself

Vera Wang (69) has been working in the fashion scene for more than 40 years. The designer regularly dresses stars like former First Lady Michelle Obama (55) and pop star Jennifer Lopez (49, "On The Floor"). Despite her fame in the industry, the fashion designer has remained very modest, as a recent interview of the 69-year-old with the US portal "Page Six" proves. So she seems to take her job pretty relaxed: "I always think I could do even better," she said.

"Maybe I could be more creative and move myself forward," the native New Yorker mused. In addition, Wang does not regard himself and the garments she designs as iconographical: "Sometimes you may remember them, but they are not iconic."

Tim Gunn on Disco Fashion (May 2024).

Vera Wang, Michelle Obama, Jennifer Lopez, Vera Wang, icon, clothes, clothes, designer, arrogance, lifted