That tastes like the lion

Enjoyment of the royal kind, this is the lion's claim - of course also when eating. Lions are connoisseurs of the highest standard; Delight eaters who choose carefully and eat very consciously and slowly. That's why they usually stay so slim. And that's important to them: lions are almost always vain in a healthy way and have made the contract to stay young and attractive. And usually they succeed too.

Food should be an experience! An artistic decoration of the food is mandatory, it may be luxurious, and a little more expensive. The special has its price, know and accept lions.

High-quality protein products are her favorites: sole, wild salmon, caviar, prawns, lobster - fine, small delicacies that do not apply. They like stuffed guinea fowl as well as venison with pear and blueberry. Food should give energy and a top figure!

Carbohydrates, especially potatoes, reject lions as little sensual satiety. On the other hand, they like to eat fruit, especially tropical varieties. However, they often do not like pineapple, pomegranate and figs, as well as wheat! The latter often causes problems, also in the form of pasta or wheat polenta. Good goes: Amaranth, Kamut, corn (polenta), rice and millet.

Salads appreciate lions more than vegetables - and the more sophisticated style with dandelion, sorrel, kesse and wildflowers. For vegetables it must be asparagus, as fresh as possible from Beelitz, of course!

Cooking by star sign: Leo - feast on the royal

Lions are connoisseurs with the highest standards. Artfully arranged plates, for example, are very much appreciated - food should be an experience. They choose very consciously, eat slowly and wisely, and usually stay slim as well.

Sole, wild salmon and other fine sea creatures are among their absolute favorites, so this fine noble fish plate should meet exactly the lion's taste. But they also like meat, stuffed guinea fowl, for example. And for fruits, they prefer the tropical varieties.

Video Recommendation:

Guess What Mountain Lion Tastes Like? - Joe Rogan and Adam Greentree (May 2024).

Horoscope, Culinary, Food