• June 28, 2024

Suddenly bull! When your zodiac changes at once

At first it sounded like good news: "I found your birth certificate at the junk," my mother said. After her previous memories I was around noon? come to the world. However, she overslept this great moment in general anesthesia. Now I had my exact birth time: 12:15 clock.

I was excited. As a skeptical but inwardly believing horoscope reader (as a typical twin, two souls are sleeping in my chest) I had always wanted to know what my ascendant is. So I hurried to an astrologically savvy friend.

the truth comes out

She entered all the data into a computer program and counted back and forth. "And," I asked eagerly. So, your ascendant is a virgin? She said. "What!" I exclaimed disappointed, "I do not like virgins at all: businesslike, neat, picky !? She looked sympathetically at me like a doctor who does not know how to gently convey bad news. "And ... according to your birth certificate, you're not a twin, but just born in the star sign Taurus." I saw red: "That's impossible?" I snorted, "bulls are sluggish, choleric and stubborn !?

After another hour of futile attempts to recalculate the diagnosis, I trudged out of her door. I wanted to dismiss the horror-skop as nonsense, but how, since today even companies let determine the career potential of their coworkers after their zodiac signs of astrological management consultants? The statement? The stars affect our lives? Do every third woman and every sixth man vote in polls? I secretly too.

What follows is the identity crisis

Now I had an astrological identity crisis: Did I have to come out? What would all my twin soulmates say, with whom I exchange the most beautiful horoscopes every December? And what about my Aquarian friends with whom, like all twins, I have a cosmic connection? Would I have to look for a whole new circle of nerds, ibexes and over-sensitive fish?

Science helps

However, a Danish-German research team at the University of Aarhus has just analyzed the data of 15 000 people, whether their personality has to do with their date of birth and zodiac signs. The scientists found no evidence of a connection. At most, the tendency for people to develop according to their belief, as they would have to be according to the sign of the zodiac.

So would my life have been completely different if I had not acted in self-prophesying action like a typical twin (ambivalent, eloquent, creative), but like a Stiergirl material? Then maybe I would be rich today and would sit with red wine in my own seventh house. I stared in front of me. Then I decided to stubbornly shut up. In the future, I will read both horoscopes and believe the better of it. The stars do not seem to be big lights.

Who Are the Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs? (June 2024).
