• June 23, 2024

Sewing grain pillows in 6 easy steps

Sewing grain pillows: Which material?

For your self-sewn grain pillow you use the best cotton, Different grains are suitable for the filling:

  • Spelt
  • wheat
  • oats
  • buckwheat
  • millet
  • grape seeds
  • Purified cherry pits

You still need that:

  • tape measure
  • scissors
  • pins
  • sewing thread

Sewing grain pillows without pattern

You can do your grain pillow yourself without any pattern. Depending on your needs, you can cut yourself a rectangle or rectangle. But: Also every other form works, eg. B. a star or a roll for the neck. Either way: Your self-sewn pillow is an absolute one-off!

Sewing grain pillows: explained step by step

  1. To cut the fabric in the desired size, you need two pieces of fabric of the same size (and seam allowance) for a single grain pillow.
  2. Lay the pieces right to right on each other and secure them with the needles.
  3. Close to three sides, so leave one of the sides open.
  4. Turn the fabric over.
  5. Fill the grains with the open side.
  6. Finally, you sew the side, preferably with a double seam, so that it holds securely.

Sewing grain pillows: Instructions for a rectangular pillow (30 x 15 cm) with chambers:

  1. Cut two pieces of cloth and put them right to right on each other.
  2. Steppe three sides, leave one of the long sides open.
  3. Turn the fabric over.
  4. Mark the equal sized chambers on the fabric. You can stake them with chalk or with needles.
  5. Close the mark now.
  6. Fill the chambers up to 2/3 each with the grains. It is best to measure the portions in advance and then fill in the grains with a spoon or funnel.
  7. Now connect the still open side with a double seam.

tip: The granular pillow with chambers offers the advantage that the cores can not all slip into one corner, but remain nicely spread over the pillow.

Heat sewn grain pillow

To warm the pillow, place it in the oven: heat it at 100 ° C for approx. 5-10 minutes. Large pillows (eg 90 x 30) can also be left in the oven for 10-15 minutes. With this method you should stay close and observe the processnot that it gets too hot.

Heat grain cakes in the microwave

Make sure the microwave is not set too high; if possible, lower it to 400 watts and let the pillow warm for about 2 minutes.

Caution when using on direct skin may cause burns if exposed to high temperatures. Especially with children and babies, the heated pillow should not be too hot and should not be directly on the skin!

If you want a cool grain pillow, put it in the fridge for about an hour.

Great ideas for DIY grain pillows

The shape of the grain pillow and the colors or patterns of the fabric are of course up to you. We've got some great ideas for you on how to make the pillow!

You can find even more great craft and sewing projects on our DIY page. How about instructions to sew a bag or sew clothes yourself! There you will also find more sewing ideas for beginners. Also the crafting and crocheting is not too short, try to do handicrafts with wood or a crocheted hat!

Videotipp: Sewing together with the mattress stitch

How to Sew a Ruffle | SIMPLE SEWING SERIES LESSON 6 (June 2024).
