Mesut Özil: First tweet after his roundabout

His resignation from the national team and the associated sweeping attack against parts of the media and the DFB has stirred up a lot of dust. Now, at least Mesut Özil (29) seems to regain some normality. At least on his Twitter account: There posted the professional of Arsenal now his first tweet after his statement. He can be seen in training camp in Singapore in the middle of the season preparation.

Özil wrote only briefly: "preseason work." Seems almost like that Özil has left all trouble - at least superficially - and he is now focused on preparing for the new Premier League season. Even his club from the British capital London was in the midst of the whole affair already yesterday endeavored to normalcy and posted a photo of Özil of his first training session. The picture was commented: "It's great to have you back with us."

DAY BREAK | Handshake Disputes (June 2024).

Mesut Özil, Rundumschlag, Twitter, Resignation, Normality, DFB, Mesut Özil, Twitter