Ask Katrin Wilkens your questions about re-entering the maternity leave

Wunschkind da, dream job away?

For many women, the real pressure begins only after the contractions: what do I want to do after the baby break? Continue with work, as before? Open a yoga studio, sew personalized play cushions, or learn something new?

The most beautiful compulsory break in the world, which most women between 30 and 45 experience, is like a great Ü egg: You shake and do not know what comes out. But: with skillful shaking you can avoid the biggest crap. Is safety more important to me in the job than a transient coolness factor? Is the lawyer perhaps much more creative than the graphic designer? Can one also complete a bank apprenticeship with a job guarantee as a conscientious objector?

The ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Academy and, a young, creative job-profiling-agency from Hamburg ( want to support you on the way to a new professional self:

Send us your questions, all, unfiltered, uncensored: from? I want to make money. What can I do that best ?? I would like to have an activity with air, exercise and mindfulness? ? All questions are from the job experts Miriam Collée and Katrin Wilkens answered.

Both have been reinvented professionally several times in their lives, both have plenty of diaper-cosmos experiences (together 5 children) and both have already helped more than 600 women with a professional return to work.

By the way: You do not have to be mothers to ask your questions. Because pressure can be felt even without contractions.

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Baby break, re-entry, Katrin Wilkens, new start, change of occupation, job change