Quartet game: Which politician makes the trick?

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Rules: How it works

Do you remember the car quartet games of yore? Porsche stings VW Beetle? This is exactly how our politician quartet works: on the left you can always see your cards, on the right the computer. With the mouse you have to choose the property that your politician likes best to score with. The computer automatically compares the value with the corresponding one on the right card. The card with the higher value wins, the score is displayed below the cards. After 16 cards you will learn the final result. ChroniquesDuVasteMonde.com wishes you a lot of fun playing!

The characteristics: What makes the stitch?

Experience: "The younger run faster, but the elders know the acronym." In that case, we fully agree with Ursula von der Leyen. Therefore, the more years in the political circus, the better. Style: Is the hairstyle sitting? Is the outfit right? Here we give marks for the appearance of the politicians, and they still know you: 1 is top, 6 a flop. Charm: Of course, expertise is incredibly important, but a little charm can never hurt if you have to deal with business leaders or French heads of state. Charmeurs could earn up to 5 stars here. Power: How active is the politician? How energetically is he committed to his goals? And how high is his assertiveness? There are power percentage points for us. Career opportunities: Who will play an important role on the political stage in the future? Here we are based on football: At the top are the cup winners, then come the promoted, the regulars, the regional league and, of course, the losers are at the bottom.

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Political Parties Card Trick (May 2024).

Engraving, Car, Porsche, Computer, Politician, Bundestag election campaign, Quartet, Party, CDU, SPD, Green, Angela Merkel