Pulling in the abdomen? what does that mean exactly?

Where does the drawing in the abdomen come from?

When pulling in the abdomen, most probably think first of men's menstrual pain? not entirely wrongly. In fact, abdominal pain that occurs before and during the period is one of the most common causes of abdominal discomfort. Some women also feel the so-called middle pain between the bleeding. This marks ovulation and often occurs on just one side or over the pubic hair area.

Pain in pregnancy

On the one hand, severe abdominal pain can be an early sign of pregnancy. Do you already know that you are pregnant and have such complaints, you should always be careful. While these symptoms are often due to overstretching of the muscles and ligaments that support the uterus? for example, when coughing or getting up. Here it may even help to put your feet up and put a hot water bottle on the underuse.However, if the pain is very severe or if there are other symptoms such as cramps, bleeding, chills or fever, you should absolutely go to the gynecologist.

What are the causes of abdominal pain?

If the symptoms can not be attributed to the period or a pregnancy, there are different possible causes. Either In both men and women, abdominal tearing can be classified as acute and chronic pain.

Acute pain

Acute pain can occur suddenly, indicating both a temporary upset and a serious problem. There are some symptoms and signs that may indicate, for example, inflammation (such as appendicitis, cystitis, or fallopian tubes) or the passage of a bowel, who should be treated promptly. These include:

  • Very strong pain
  • fever
  • Constipation or diarrhea (persistent)
  • nausea
  • Bleeding or discharge

Chronic pain

Do they exist? Lower abdominal pain for more than half a year, they are considered chronic and are also medically clarified. Again, there are several possible triggers:

  • Chronic inflammation (for example, chronic cystitis or in the gastrointestinal tract)
  • cysts
  • Tumors in the organs
  • Endometriosis (uterine lining-like tissue grows in deeper wall layers of the uterus or outside of this)
  • Mental illness ? For example, depression often leads to physical symptoms in the abdomen

Lower Abdominal Pain - Common Causes & Symptoms (May 2024).

Women problem, menstrual period, lower abdomen