Pilates exercises for a good attitude

The saw

Mobilizes the spine, stretching the back and leg back and strengthening the trunk muscles.

Grätschsitz, arms are clearly outstretched at shoulder level. Inhale spine in length and navel pull inward. In doing so, turn the rib cage around its own axis and to the left. Exhaling Upper body tilt down, right hand to outer edge of left foot. Legs stay firmly on the ground. Inhale vortex vortex, exhale back to the starting position. Page change. Repeat 5 times each side.

The swimmer

Strengthens the back of the upper body and legs, mobilizes the spine.

Prone position, arms and legs outstretched. Exhaling, pull navel inward, tighten pelvic floor; First make your arms, upper body and legs long, then lift them up. Fingers and toes are moving in opposite directions, shoulders are on the outside, shoulder blades are pulling towards the pelvis. Alternately lift and lower your arms and legs about five times diagonally in the air, then lower them. Repeat 5 times.

A Leg Kick

Stretches the thoracic spine, strengthens the upper back and stabilizes the shoulder girdle.

Lying on the forearm, legs outstretched. In doing so, actively pull chest upwards and pull navel inwards. Breathe in twice now while kicking the lower leg twice in the direction of the butt. At the same time bend the foot and stretch the second kick. Breathing out, take off your leg again. The trunk remains calm and stable, the butt loose. Page change. Repeat 10 times each side.

30-Minute Strength, Cardio, and Pilates Core Workout (April 2024).

Pilates, upper body, spine, legs, chest spine, back, posture