Overview of the meaning of all ascendants

You want to know what your ascendant stands for? Whatever your combination with the zodiac? In a short description Roswitha Broszath explains all ascendants. The astrologer and healer has been creating horoscopes for the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde and content for ChroniquesDuVasteMonde online for more than 25 years.

Ascendant Capricorn

People with the Ascendant Capricorn come to life with the idea that this planet can be an inhospitable, cold place and that it is good to protect oneself and the vulnerable parts well. The sensitivity of the Capricorn Ascendant is much more pronounced than one would expect from the outside. How good that here then a protective mechanism is already brought. Every protection is legitimate, has a purpose and a function. Here he helps to observe from a safe distance how life reveals itself. Even the birth can be a bit exhausting process. And then the idea that, as at birth, every progress has to be worked hard is solidified. Seriousness, a sense of responsibility and a sense of duty are already brought to life. Your Pré: The eye for the essentials! Nonverbal information in childhood means that life should never be an end in itself. The credo: Performance is the meaning of being! The learning task is therefore not only the duty to sanctify, as it is usually given family systemic. To behave like a grown-up from the beginning, to relieve the parents, is a common pattern, also because this behavior is often rewarded by the family. Almost always the Capricorn-Ascendant strives for independence. Preferred domain at this facility: medicine, architecture, education, institute management. The judge, psychologist, entrepreneur, doctor. Outstanding is the leadership quality.

Ascendant Aquarius

Unorthodox, unconventional, original, these are the basic themes of the Aquarian Ascendant. And they show up from the first breath. The ascendant Aquarius comes into this life in an extremely unusual way, for example in an airplane or in a taxi. Highly dynamic, impatient, he breaks all the planning of his parents when he enters this world. He comes to life with the idea that this world is a place in need of improvement, and from this develops the mission to launch his own personal revolution against injustice, meaningless structures and systems. And because the ascendant Aquarius also functions cosmically and karmically to break up encrustations, he is often born into families in which family dynamics have become too rigidly consolidated. He brings a very unique vibration frequency, which causes salutary for unrest, but not always so welcome. The otherness, the out-of-the-way beating, the never-all-belonging, is destiny, but also the privilege. To arrange oneself in the course of life, even to love one's own particularity, is desired. A touch of exoticism surrounds him, life beside the beat of the usual, something restless, adventurous brings color to the action. Often, these people feel like they are from another planet! The task of learning is to use its extraordinary intuition, its inventive and inventive genius, its gift of collecting information from another dimension, to serve a higher ideal without being bent. Freedom, democracy, equality is the credo. His social awareness is motivation to initiate networks. Preferred occupational domains: mathematics, architecture, medicine, alchemy. Basic requirement: no hierarchy in the occupational field. His shadow: a tendency towards extremes.

Ascendant fish

The ascendant Pisces brings with it a wealth of qualities: Creativity, Fantasy, Music, Mystery and Clairvoyance. Until all this wealth gets outwardly visible contour, it takes, according to the extreme soul depth and possibilities, usually a bit longer. The Pisces Ascendant comes to life with the knowledge that life can also be accompanied by painful experiences. And that most likely he will never be so completely at home on this planet. Fish is a double sign. To travel in two worlds, the cosmic and the earthly, is not only a statement of the Pisces symbol, but lived reality. Often the parents have the impression during and after the birth that the new earthlings are still considering whether he really wants to stay here. This subtle being has memories of a world filled with infinite love. Sensitive, subtle, these creatures are also particularly sensitive to external stimuli, including food. They do not seem to be completely of this world. Her empathy predestined to health professions. In artistic areas, where fantasy is an excellent asset, they are also successful.With so much sensitivity, real earthly proximity is often a challenge. The shadow is here accordingly the flight tendency. Fish dive, either in fantasy worlds, or real, in other relationship and experience waters, as soon as something absolutely contrary to the soul vibration. Also, the inclination to enter sacrificial posture, fish is not unknown. To internalize that they have a right to refuse is a learning task. This is so difficult because the parents' credo is: be selfless, noble, good. Professional domains of success: Physician, non-medical practitioner, pastor, hypno- and reincarnation therapist, psychotherapist, also in telephone counseling.

Ascendant Aries

Ascendant Aries is a distinctly dynamic character! His claim, elementary and life-defining, is: "I want !? He comes into this life with the idea of ​​being able to bend everything to his liking. Enforcement, even against resistance, is credo and motivation at the same time. And with so much momentum, initiative, temperament, he also comes birth-oriented on this planet. The start can be stormy. He often feels a little slowed down in his dynamic urge to take his place in this world. Maybe because the mother had to try to reach the hospital and maybe wanted to hold back a bit of contractions. Remarkably often the parents are in a move or reorientation phase. The mother was very young, sometimes on her own. Challenging conditions are then the first exercise field to train his will to live. Ascendent Aries is particularly happy to put his head through. And that's why there are noticeably frequent scars in the head area. Nevertheless, Ascendant Aries is not reckless, but often endowed with sensitive perception. And with civil courage! The sense of injustice, which he already brings with him in the plant, predestined to legal professions and to pursue a career with the police. In childhood, the sense of rivalry is promoted. That means for later: to compete in fair competition is motivation and pleasure at the same time. Completely disempowered, he reacts to intrigue and bullying, because these fast-paced rams, who always fight with an open eye, are completely alien to their nature. The dominant task is to let things have their own momentum, knowing that life is always right.

Ascendant bull

The bull ascendant already brings a healthy pragmatism, something grounded, down to earth. And usually also an overdose of attractiveness, completed by a truly enviable enjoyment. To praise the joys of life, to celebrate the beauties, even those in nature, springs from his inner knowing that only in this way can the balance of vitality be maintained. He is born into a family in which the cherishing and preserving, of values ​​and traditions, is valued, mediated and subtly imposed as virtue. Often an official career is suggested, which sometimes, but not always, connects with the multicolored, life-affirming potential of the bulls. His talents result from his love of flora and fauna: the forester, landscape architect, florist, and the cook. But also music, whether vocals or instrumental music, is her pré. Artistic careers are not always supported by the family system. The message is: Do not risk anything, stay with your last, which means in this case, continued the tradition. Public spirit should always be over self-interest. Consistency, a moderate life, is preached. This often makes it difficult to target top positions, self-employment, unless you give back family orders! An incredibly good hand for the money and possession propagation has this Ascendant also.

Ascendant twins

The Ascendant Gemini is lively, mentally mobile, interested and the little sunshine. With the knowledge that the very latter is expected of the environment, this is the role he is to fill, he already comes into this life. The parents are often still very young, busy with education, career, professional commitment, and the child must fit seamlessly into this life model. That is precisely the quality that is developed in the main. The improvisation, arrange friendly! For all conditions that do not really correspond to the soul's desire to formulate rational explanations is pattern. The parental home is usually a hospitable, open. Friends, neighbors, colleagues are always welcome, excitement guaranteed. Early on, the child learns to deal with himself and inhales knowledge! About books, the Internet, everything that comes to him in material hands. And turn straw into gold! The special gift of the Gemini Ascendant is the crystal-clear intellect, fluency, skill. This is predestined for artistic professions. And: the transmission of information! The media are preferred domain. The parents' credo is: "Arrange, work, imagine thinking about feeling !? Unfortunately, that often removes original emotions and impulses.One becomes the observer instead of surrendering to life and love, the here and now.

Ascendant cancer

The ascendant Cancer brings a deep emotionality, he embodies the nourishing, constructive, feminine principle. The archetype of the maternal, but that does not mean that this principle was actually experienced in its positive form in childhood. Often, even in the prenatal and early childhood stages, there is a sense of unprotectedness, which can later be expressed in fear of want. Bringing into life is a great tangibility and the inner knowledge that not everyone in the environment has the desired care. Because of this, the ascendant Cancer early forms a kind of shell to protect itself. And develops a secrecy that others often interpret as a refusal attitude. He is by no means a vulnerable, weak creature. On the contrary, he brings an inner strength, which often means that he must act as a counselor, therapist in the family unit already in the childhood phase. To ward off possessive behavior without developing feelings of guilt is a task of development. Family assignments often have a great deal of magic. To see through these mechanisms, to find oneself and an inner freedom, is a prerequisite for the unfolding of its very rich potential. Professional favorites are: psychologist, social worker, midwife, pediatrician; but even where hospitality and dieting matter in the hotel business, the cancer is right. The nonverbal message in childhood is: "Keep your hypersensitivity in check, be guided by logic and scientifically proven." To formally cling to scientific knowledge is a strikingly common ascendant cancer attitude, so as not to sink into his own emotional depth.

Ascendant Lion

The ascendant Leo brings the enviable, bright radiance of the sun into this life! He comes to this stage of life, stage is a key concept, with the claim to occupy the protagonist role, to be the star. To impress, to get applause, simply to be the central star in every community, whether private or professional. The ascendant Leo can only plan and think in large dimensions. Genius distinguishes him, as does an infinite variety in the creative-artistic. The palette in question is endless: painting, designing, producing films, creating sculptures, sculptures. But also modeling is a passion. To run museums or to get things started politically, everything is laid out in the Ascendant Lion. In whatever field: He will absolutely exude in his creative activity. And: choose either a senior position, something royal, or a freelance! He tolerates no one about himself, which is often expressed in the living situation, the motto is also very high. Childhood is often depicted transfigured. The parents were privileged, often the lion-ascendant is also a wishful child, and then also with expectations, the claim to be something special, overloaded. The non-verbal message here is: "Be great, be special and incomparable !? The latter leads to the fact that it is automatically scanned at which place it is compared to others in the ranking list. Family contracts, traditions, including the obligation to uphold the honor of the clan, can also complain. Living one's own individuality is then only possible if there is a release from familial heteronomy. No cliché is that the lion-ascendant usually has a lion's mane, great hair.

Ascendant virgin

Powerful, endowed with dignity, balance and the capacity for inner collection, the Ascendant Virgo arrives already in this life. The higher form of knowledge, present of the ruler Mercury, here in the form of Hermes Trismegistus, the magician, writer of the gods, capable of responsible tasks. Searching for meaning, analyzing, diagnosing, researching, bundling insights, the ability to filter out the essence at a glance are the predominant qualities. The karmic mission is to find his part in this life and to fill it with devotion and competence. And with perfection, because the claim to impeccable results is unmistakably effective. The Virgin Ascendant comes to this planet with the idea of ​​being efficient, useful and hard-working. The trigger for this is first the karmic mission and the family situation in the prenatal phase, which was often tense because the parents were possibly required to start a business or otherwise. The non-verbal message is: "Be useful, do not make any inconvenience, do your part." Being sensible, not disappointing expectations, is the pattern that is memorable. Although of high competence, the virgin ascendant is often more in the background. Either he works for others who want more limelight, or he gets behind his tasks, which of course stands for a special quality. Preferred domains are: Helper occupations, whether a doctor, non-medical practitioner, psychotherapist or social worker.

Ascendant scales

The darling of the gods, based on the gifts that bring the Libra in terms of talents, gifts and potential in life, this Ascendant is determined. So godless but carefree here is childhood, the start in life, by no means. The Ascendant Libra comes into being with the mission to provide harmony and balance in the family system. He is the born diplomat who can respond to everyone, creating syntheses and building golden bridges, defusing tensions and keeping the system in balance. The truly wide-ranging potential includes everything imaginable about artistic talents: dance, music, drama, film, especially photography. Beauties who, with the gaze of the attentive libra, become aware of being made visible visibly by an image, are an absolute asset. But also family, couple therapist, art and dance therapist, are special talents. Charm, charm, tolerance and conciliatory, a ravishing charisma, make the chocolate side complete. Behind this, however, is hidden sharp intellect, an excellent ability to speak, a sense of justice that also leads to the profession of a lawyer. However, the nonverbal message in childhood was: "You are not the measure of all things." This contradicts potential and soul mission and must therefore not only be ignored, but turned into the opposite.

Ascendant Scorpio

Exclusivity, fervor, passion are the defining characteristics of the Scorpio Ascendant. All or nothing, hot or cold, never lukewarm, is his credo. With this intensity he comes already to life. Often the birth is a strength act, for mother and child, for the latter even the first training field to practice its life force and conservation. Ascendant Scorpio struggles to life. The expectation that is solidified by this is: life is struggle, which does not demand in every way, is worth nothing. He often chooses the Ochsentour later, he feels about adaptation! Legendary is his almost magical mental power, his conceptual fixation with which he can accelerate events. Professions are only interested if they challenge and may even be considered as incriminating by others. The ascendant Scorpio has a special approach to the shadow parts, those of one's own soul and those of others. That is why psychoanalysis according to C.G. Jung, which specifically emphasizes the work on shadows, is exactly right. But he also possesses detective, criminalistic instincts. Secret agent would be a small dream job. Homeopathy, linguistics also fit, precision is a preference. But dogmatism is not alien to him either. Family systemic is often prescribed a persistence in traditions and system loyalty. Family contracts often have a disproportionate impact.

Ascendant Sagittarius

A balanced composition! Optimism adds depth, empathy and analytical exploratory spirit. The clear logic is complemented by abstract thinking, the willingness to integrate spiritual perspectives. This results in interests that look a bit unusual and distant but are just far ahead of the times. The search for what exists behind time and space and how many dimensions exist in this regard are cardinal issues. Consciousness-enhancing training, meditation, contemplation, looking behind things, encountering the pure elixir of the mind, are standard claims here. Occupations should lead to areas that are still unknown lands: mysticism, spirituality, philosophy, astrology, prophecy. The psychological work based on the Tao fits. Whether ashram or monastery, withdrawal of external stimuli is healing energy. Even shamanic dream trips, even traveling, concretely abroad, or in other dimensions, are a passion. Passionate empathy is the keyword. In the family system, this shooter could have often felt strange and different. All the more important is a fairly like-minded, powerful, earthly, pleasure-loving counterpart who remembers that life is fullness. And animated to explore universes, but also to celebrate the special in everyday life.

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Spirituality | Astrology | What the Ascendant Actually Means (April 2024).

Astrology, Horoscope, Astrology, Ascendant