• May 7, 2024

Nobody has sex in 20 years - experts are sure!

If you enjoy having sex, you should rather go back to work: According to Professor Henry Greely of Stanford University in California, it will be over in 20 years at the latest with the intercourse.

His reasoning: It's just a lot, much more enjoyable, having your child born in the lab.

Well, most people like their passion in bed (or on the kitchen table, floor, in the elevator, wherever) run free. But, says Professor Greely, if you want to have children, a completely artificial conception is the better way. Okay, delivery is usually no fun for the mother. But that's why you do without sex right away?

And anyway, that's how Greely explains: Is not it much, much better, to order your child the way you would like it? Gender, hair color, eye color, size - why should you leave all this to chance? Inherited diseases would be completely excluded in the case of the babies of the future. For this reason alone, conventional sex should soon be a thing of the past - after all, according to Greely, only artificially conceived babies are guaranteed to be born without disabilities and birth defects. (Yes, it's okay to scare yourself at such statements.)

End sex: an evolutionary leap?

Greely is sure that conventional fertilization and pregnancy will soon be seen in society with a mixture of disgust and fascination. "Something greasy, sticky people have once made real?", Our children will probably ask us then, once they have hatched from their test tube.

And how should that look concrete? "If a couple wants a baby, they give a sperm sample and they get a bit of skin off," Greely told the British Times. In the near future this would be enough genetic material to fertilize the eggs - and to shape the child according to the wishes of the parents. Even same-sex couples can then produce children from the genetic material of both parents.

According to Greely, this is a one-of-a-kind evolutionary leap in history - the total separation of natural reproduction would be an unprecedented step for life on our planet.

No more sex? Rather unlikely!

No question, Professor Greely is a respected professional and his predictions are not wild speculations. But we still do not have to worry about sex ending in a few years - after all, we do not skimp on food just because there are protein shakes. Medically possible is already a lot today. Nevertheless, the majority of all children naturally grow.

So, do not panic: In the coming decades we will surely continue to have wild, passionate sex. Not because we have to - but because we feel like it.

Is The G Spot Real Or A Myth? (SEX EXPERT REVEALS THE TRUTH) (May 2024).

Stanford University, California, sex, relationship, orgasm, love, romance