Jungle Camp 2019: Ex-porn star Sibylle Rauch about the Stormy-Trump conflict

Actress and ex-porn actress Sibylle Rauch (58) had to leave the jungle camp (RTL) on Saturday. What was it, who she begrudge the jungle crown and if there really was so much dispute, she explains in an interview with the news agency spot on news. But she has also revealed what she thinks of the conflict of her US colleague Stormy Daniels (39) with US President Donald Trump (72) - she claims to have had an affair with him, he denies it.

How are you? And what do you think, why the audience chose you?

Sibylle Rauch: I'm not overjoyed. Although I did not have to go first, but I would like to have stayed a few more days. The fact that I was already picked out was probably a bit due to my energy plunge. For days we only got rice and beans to eat. This is difficult and easy to underestimate. This made me a little quieter and sat around more. Because I'm not that young, I've been fighting a lot.

What are you especially looking for?

Rauch: At the moment I like something fresh. I have a nice fruit plate in front of me. In the camp, we have always wanted fruits, but then get something as bizarre as a kangaroo tail.

How did it taste?

Smoke: Actually, he tasted like the crocodile, but that was probably because we made it ready. Most did not want to eat the kangaroo bug, but I was so hungry and before I threw it away, I just ate it. You just have to hide what it is.

For us as a spectator there were two big trouble spots in the camp: Chris Töpperwien vs.. Bastian Yotta and Evelyn Vs. Domenico. How was it for you in the camp, was there a lot of argument?

Rauch: There was not really much controversy. That was all subliminal. The bad mood between Chris and Bastian was already ubiquitous. If looks could kill, Bastian would have killed Chris. It was also difficult between Evelyn and Domenico, but not quite as recognizable to us as the tension between them. But it was clear that they were not really good together.

Who do you treat to the jungle crown?

Rauch: My personal favorites are Evelyn and Doreen, which I think is great. Above all, it is Peter Orloff. He has a lot of class and we have become friends too. This is a very nice person, who was there for me, if I had a hangover. We said goodbye and see each other outside safely again.

You are a very well-known former porn actress. Do you always notice to your opponent whether he / she has seen your films?

Rauch: Yes, I realize that. Also with the campers I noticed it immediately. Some knew all my films and then became very attached to me. Others knew and did not know anything. Especially the younger generation has often heard of "popsicles" but not seen the stripes. But that does not matter, maybe there is now a little revival for these beautiful films (laughs).

If you meet someone who knows the movies, does that make you proud or annoying?

Rauch: I'm always happy when someone comes up to me and says, "I've seen all your movies, including porn." At the airport were also fans, which I should sign nude photos of me, which of course I liked doing.

Have you followed the conflict between US President Donald Trump and former porn actress Stormy Daniels?

Rauch: Yes, that already interested me. It's just the question: what is poetry? What is truth? I rather believe that when he became president she made all sorts of things to him. This is about a lot of money. It's always like that. But I think you do not always have to believe everything that is published. I'm not a Trump fan! But I think that some things should be relativized ...

Could you also unpack a similar story with a celebrity person?

Rauch: I could do that, but I do not want to.

All about "I'm a star - get me out of here!" in the special at RTL.de.

Dschungelcamp 2019, Sybille Rauch ist die erste Kandidatin! (May 2024).

Jungle Camp, Stormy Daniels, Donald Trump, Conflict, RTL, Bastian Yotta, 2019 Jungle Camp, Sibylle Rauch