Jan Ullrich: The ex-cyclist gets again targeted by the police

Against ex-cyclist Jan Ullrich (44) is determined again. "The Hamburg police have filed a criminal complaint on suspicion of attempted assault," confirmed Ulf Wundrack, spokesman for the Hamburg police, on request of the news agency spot on news. At first the "Bild" had reported about it.

What happened?

According to the police report, Ullrich is said to have "attacked / attacked" a restaurant employee. The act is said to have occurred on September 25, 2018 at 13 clock at Hamburg airport in the security area. The alleged victim, a 34-year-old man, was reportedly not injured.

"The criminal complaint was filed late, at which point the suspect was no longer at the airport, and further investigations are being conducted by the airport branch investigative service," Wundrack continued.

It's not the first trouble with the police for Ullrich. After the "incident" with Til Schweiger (54) in Mallorca in early August, took shortly after the police in Frankfurt investigation. Ullrich is said to have attacked in a hotel an escort lady. The investigations are still ongoing.

Marco Pantani (June 2024).

Jan Ullrich, professional cyclist, police, Hamburg, Hamburg, assault, Jan Ullrich, investigations, assault, Hamburg