Iron deficiency: These signs should make you sit up and take notice

What is that, actually?

Iron deficiency anemia causes anemia due to iron deficiency. About three to four grams are contained in the human body and promote iron metabolism. On the one hand, the trace element is in the transport protein transferrin, on the other hand, as part of the blood pigment hemoglobin. But without iron is the function of the blood pigment? namely to bind oxygen and give it to the body cells? inhibited. Symptoms such as poor concentration are not uncommon as a result of iron deficiency.

To be able to compensate for the anemia, the person concerned must consume iron-containing foods or other iron sources in the form of iron supplements or iron infusions. Women need around 15 milligrams of iron per day, pregnant women about twice as much. If this value is not reached, iron deficiency occurs.

Who gets iron deficiency?

Worldwide, one in four suffers from iron deficiency, especially in developing countries, the deficiency phenomenon is widespread. Risk groups are women of childbearing age, in Europe, one in ten is affected. Above all, the menstruation of the woman is to blame: menstrual bleeding leads to iron deficiency. Diseases such as fibroids or endometriosis can cause bleeding and iron deficiency, as well as stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids or tumors in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, donating blood may be responsible for iron deficiency.

Pregnant and lactating women have a particularly high iron requirement and therefore often suffer from iron deficiency. Likewise vegetarians and vegans: meat is an important iron supplier. At risk are also those whose bodies can not absorb iron from their diet - because they suffer from diarrhea or have had stomach surgery.

Which symptoms are typical? A review.

The fatigue came slowly, day by day Isabell Arend (name changed) flabbergasted. With difficulty she did her work in the office, in the evening at home she felt completely exhausted. "It all bothered me," says the 48-year-old, who is raising her two children alone. She suspected an underactive thyroid and went to the family doctor. Since her values ​​actually differed slightly from the normal range, she was prescribed thyroid hormones. She was a little less tired, but did not feel a significant improvement.

When Isabell Arend started a diet, things got even worse. Her skin was dry as long as not; when she combed, the white bathroom floor was littered with brown hair - and as before, she was constantly overworked. She made an appointment, spent half the weekend in bed or on the couch, and realized that it did not make much of a difference. "I was so powerless that I could hardly handle my life." Because she has a congenital thyroid problem, on the second visit, her doctor increased the dose of hormones without re-examining her. It did not help.

Often affected: adolescents, pregnant women and women with heavy menstrual bleeding

Isabell Arend was getting more and more depressed, she was afraid to slip into a burn-out. After over a year of weakness, a newspaper article finally brought the solution. Isabell Arend read about iron deficiency. "I recognized all the symptoms again," she says. Again she went to her doctor. In fact, their values ​​were completely in the basement. She got iron tablets, after a short time skin and hair began to regenerate, and Isabell Arend suddenly realized that sleep brought her back to recovery.

Iron deficiency is the world's most common nutrient deficiency. In addition to adolescents and pregnant women, it mainly affects women with pronounced menstrual bleeding. A problem that often occurs at the beginning of menopause, then the menstruation is often particularly strong - as was the case with Isabell Arend. "Responsible for this are usually the hormonal changes or fibroids in the uterus," says Hamburg gynecologist Dr. med. Katrin Schaudig.

In developed countries, up to 20 percent of women of childbearing age should not have enough iron in their bodies. That is fatal. Because iron is vital for us, the body needs the nutrient to form the red blood pigment hemoglobin, to transport oxygen, to gain energy and to ward off infections. That's why he has a sophisticated supply system: If the iron level is low, more iron is absorbed in the intestine (small intestine). There is also a reserve for emergencies; The organism stores iron, the so-called ferritin.

Iron deficiency is therefore delayed until noticeable, but over time it can lead to anemia, anemia. However, diffuse symptoms such as tiredness, brittle nails, dry skin and susceptibility to infections are easily overlooked, especially at the beginning."When iron loss develops very slowly, you often get used to this condition," says Professor Elisabeth Märker-Hermann, Deputy Chairwoman of the German Association of Internal Medicine. She considers it therefore useful, especially in women around the menopause, once a year to control the iron levels.

With a blood test can be easily determined whether iron is missing. By default, the hemoglobin (Hb) is recorded. But other blood levels (MCH, MCV and MCHC) indicate a poor supply of nutrients. However, many physicians do not consider these parameters as meaningful enough. "In patients with heavy menstrual bleeding and hair loss, I always measure the memory iron, the ferritin value," says gynecologist Schaudig. He can signal a defect, even if the Hb value is still in the normal range.

In the case of a blood test, an underactive thyroid gland, which can cause very similar symptoms to iron deficiency, should also be excluded. In addition to a strong menstruation, there are other reasons why the iron level is too low. "Women who do a lot of sports are at greater risk for iron deficiency because they generally need more nutrients," says Anke Richter, a family doctor and internist in Bad Oeynhausen. "In addition, mechanical stress can cause microbleeds in the intestines of runners, which also increases the need for iron."

An important role is played by nutrition, which normally supplies the body with this nutrient. One to three milligrams of iron lose women a day through excretions and the constant renewal of the intestinal mucosa - this amount must be replaced. However, the body absorbs only ten to 15 percent of the trace element from the diet. It can be better utilized from animal foods than from fruits and vegetables.

Plant iron first needs to be chemically transformed before it enters the bloodstream through a mechanism other than animal. However, studies show that vegetarians are not more likely to be affected by iron deficiency than the average for a balanced diet. But if other risk factors such as one-sided diets, a lot of sports or heavy bleeding are added to meat abstinence, the danger increases significantly.

In addition, low iron levels may also indicate disease. For example, one cause may be slow, hidden blood loss from the stool or urine that results from bowel or bladder disease. In celiac disease, an intolerance to gluten, nutrients are poorly absorbed by the gut. And inflammation in the body leads to a decreased Hb, but a high ferritin value: The absorption (absorption) of iron in the intestine is then difficult, the iron stores can not be used - a meaningful protective response of the body, as iron promotes inflammation and also Bacteria need this nutrient.

As a precaution, iron supplements should not be swallowed

If the doctor detects an iron deficiency, he must first find the cause and, if possible, remedy. Iron supplements should replenish the store; however, they often cause stomach pain, constipation and sometimes even diarrhea. There are dragees, which dissolve in the stomach, but also gastro-resistant capsules, which develop their effect only in the duodenum. Other products contain castor oil to promote digestion.

They all usually have to be taken over three to six months, preferably half an hour before eating and - this is important - "with a time interval to thyroid hormones," says the gynecologist Schaudig, "because the preparations interfere with each other in their effect" , Women who absolutely can not tolerate these remedies receive iron infusions; However, they irritate the veins.

As a precautionary measure, without apparent deficiency, however, iron supplements should not be swallowed. Because apart from bleeding, the body has little opportunity to break down the nutrient again, and then stores it in the liver, among other things. Too much of it can damage the vessels and increase the risk of heart and cancer, diabetes and bone loss.

Consumer advocates also warn against adding iron to foods, such as breakfast cereals and juices, which can be detrimental to people who are well-nourished. Multivitamins often contain iron as well. An American study of 1000 elderly people showed too little iron in the blood in just three percent of the participants, but too much in 13 percent. An evaluation of the "Iowa Women's Health Study" even showed that the frequent precautionary use of supplements with iron in postmenopausal women reduces life expectancy. "Women should only take iron tablets when a deficiency has actually been detected," says family doctor Anke Richter. But then they can significantly improve their well-being.

How does the doctor determine if I am affected?

As already read, iron deficiency can be easily determined with a blood test. It is more difficult to clarify the cause.Blame can be malnutrition, but also blood loss and associated iron loss come into question. Therefore, the doctor examines the stool and makes a gastrointestinal reflection. Some people can not absorb iron properly in the body. This can be determined by a so-called iron resorption test. The doctor measures the iron content in the blood, administers iron and then repeats the measurement.

How can you treat iron deficiency?

Iron tablets and an iron-rich diet help refill the empty iron stores. This takes several months because the body can absorb iron only in limited quantities. Iron supplements should not be taken without medical supervision as they can easily be overdosed. If iron deficiency has been triggered by a condition such as endometriosis, gastric ulcer or hemorrhoid, it is important to start with the underlying causes of the therapy.

How can I protect myself?

When iron deficiency helps: Prevent, with about 15 milligrams of iron daily. For example, 200 grams of beef, two slices of wholemeal bread, 100 grams of raw carrots, 200 grams of cooked spinach, 50 grams of dried apricots, and 200 grams of tomatoes are added to this amount. However, iron from plant foods is used worse by the body than by meat. Coffee and tea inhibit iron absorption (iron absorption) in addition, fruit or vegetable juice promote them. Also good are the iron-containing juices (eg Floradix herbal blood from Duopharm, Multi Sanosvit from Altana). And what about iron pills from the pharmacy? Completely okay, if you agree! If your iron values ​​are in order: Zinc and biotin capsules or arminic acids can also strengthen hair and nails (eg zinc orotate, pantovigar or organic H-Tin).

Hair Loss: When's it going to be critical?

It should be active at the latest when the ferritin value is below 15 micrograms per liter of blood. But values ​​between 15 and 40 micrograms per liter indicate that the body is not sufficiently supplied. Most often, pre-menopausal women had iron deficiency (25 percent). In menopausal women, on the other hand, only five percent had iron deficiency. Of course, the menstrual period causes the body to lose a lot of iron. And this minus soon becomes noticeable on hair and nails. They become thinner, more fragile and fall off or break in. An iron deficiency can only be detected by doctors. Whether it is actually diffuse and not due to hormonal hair loss (against the latter act alone medication), the dermatologist knows.

Reading tip: For similarly unpleasant complaints provides a zinc deficiency.

Blood Test Considerations for Athletes (May 2024).

Iron deficiency, Katrin Schaudig, food, menstrual period, Europe, nutrients, iron, tired, exhausted, iron deficiency, hair loss