Instead Pokémon: Mothers now play "Chardonnay GO"

All the world hunts Pokémon with the smartphone, many parents would rather chase the opportunity to turn off for a moment. Youtuberin Dena Blizzard picks up on this idea with her fake commercial: Her app "Chardonnay GO" helps mothers get a well-chilled white wine as quickly as possible.

Chardonnay GO: Grab 'em all!


Wine glasses via GPS - why not?

No, the whole thing is obviously not serious - but of course it's still funny. The manic eagerness with which Blizzard races with her smartphone is nothing short of the Pokémon fever - including the harassment of other people who have nothing to do with the game.

If someone actually developed such an app, we would not mind. Would not it be nice if some good ghost hid chilled wine glasses all over the neighborhood, right?

Chardonnay Go- A "Pokemon Go" game for moms (June 2024).