Legal Driving Law: Why UPS Drivers Should not Turn Left

The US parcel delivery service UPS (United Parcel Service) is known for its strict work guidelines. One of them is that UPS drivers are only allowed to turn left in exceptional cases. Slanted - or not?

The right-turn bid launched the company more than ten years ago in the US, followed by Germany later. ? The tours of our delivery vehicles are also oriented to the right ?, said Holger Ostwald, spokesman for UPS Germany, to

What's so bad about turning left?

UPS mentions four important reasons for the right-turn bid: It saves time and money, is more environmentally friendly and safer.

The logistics company has even developed a navigation system that seeks alternatives to turning left. According to its own statements, UPS saves about 38 million liters of fuel per year, thereby correspondingly reducing its CO2 emissions. Because left-turners often have to wait longer for a green traffic signal and then even the oncoming traffic the right of way.

"Added to the security threats," said the UPS spokesman to A study of accident researchers in the General Association of the Insurance Industry (UDV) has actually shown that left turn is more dangerous than right turn. In Germany alone, about 18 people a day would be injured by a left-turning vehicle, every second day there is statistically even a fatality. In order to avoid this risk of accidents, the parcel delivery service is ready to accept detours.

Whether the parcel delivery actually consume less fuel despite longer travel times, tested the US television series "Mythbusters". The result confirmed the statements of the parcel supplier: Right turn reduces fuel consumption.

Strict rules at UPS

The US company is known for its strict rules. Among other things, drivers have to show a certain look. A man with full beard and T-shirt from the Grateful Dead does not exist at UPS, Germany boss Frank Sportolari said to the? Welt ?:? A strong corporate culture is like a good family education. It makes working life easier.

By the way: Contrary to popular belief, UPS parcel deliverers are well trained and well paid? often even over tariff.

Common Mistake Left Turn Road Traffic (June 2024).