Eat asparagus raw? is that possible?

Can? and should ? to eat asparagus raw?

Fortunately, the answer to this question is yes, yes and yes again. Because raw asparagus? no matter if green or white asparagus? Not only is it edible and pretty tasty, but also especially healthy, When preparing, cooking, cooking and roasting asparagus go many valuable vitamins and minerals lost. However, if you eat asparagus raw, you can absorb a lot of it, for example Vitamin C and folic acidwhich are found in raw asparagus in high concentrations.

It also has raw asparagus detoxifying, diuretic and contains a lot of waterthat helps keep your body hydrated and your kidneys flushed. And if that does not convince you, it does the refreshing at the latest crisp, juicy enjoyment experience of raw asparagus. Give it a try and trust us: Raw asparagus is not poisonous! You should only wash it off thoroughly and peel it if necessary.

How does raw asparagus taste?

If you want to eat asparagus raw for the first time, you should expect it to taste different than you are used to. Because the typical flavor of the rods is usually obtained by cooking, frying and steaming, ie by the action of heat. But that does not spoil the asparagus enjoyment. On the contrary, it greatly enhances the flavor of asparagus if you eat it raw every now and then. So you bring a little change in the asparagus time.

Fresh asparagus (and it should really be fresh, if you want to eat it raw!) wonderfully juicy and has a slight nut notereminiscent of carrot or artichoke remotely, also taste similarities to pea pods can be seen. Especially surprising is the enjoyable sweetish note, This is especially true for thin asparagus spears. Thicker bars often taste quite dry. While these bitterns are good for your liver and aid in detoxification, they are not for everyone. Here you will learn why asparagus can taste bitter.

So grab a thin green or white asparagus if you want to eat asparagus raw for the first time, otherwise it could be that the tart note spoils the fun the first time.

How should you eat raw asparagus?

There are many delicious recipes and preparation options for raw asparagus.

The most obvious variant: Prepare asparagus salad from raw asparagus. If you use green asparagus for this, you will even save yourself from peeling. Simply cut off the woody ends, wash the rods thoroughly and add them to the salad bowl with cherry tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and a fruity vinaigrette. Grind and enjoy some salt and pepper. Here's what you need to know if you want to prepare green asparagus.

Also marinades These are a great way to showcase raw asparagus: simply mix the olive oil with lemon juice, salt and pepper, cut the white asparagus into thin slices and strain in the marinade. Then serve with green salad and freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

You can also have raw asparagus after peeling Finely grate and mix it with olive oil and lemon creative spread use, or just use it with different dips as raw food Gnibbling in front of the TV. So that you do not spoil the taste experience wooden areas, we show you here, what you have to pay attention peeling the asparagus.

Raw asparagus in juices and smoothies

Of juices or smoothies from raw asparagus, we would advise against, because our favorite spring vegetables in such a concentrated form quickly becomes very bitter.

But here too, trying is about studying. Because raw asparagus is not poisonous, you are welcome to experiment with different combinations. Maybe the bitter note is just what you've been missing in a green smoothie.

You can find even more delicious asparagus recipes and ideas for the asparagus season on our Pinterest board.

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Can you eat raw asparagus | asparagus health benefits (June 2024).

Asparagus recipe, asparagus recipe, asparagus, asparagus season, asparagus season, asparagus meal, spring cuisine