Hen party: In the end, one always howls

Sometimes life is like a romantic comedy. ?We are getting married!? my best friend screams through the phone. And I shriek for joy. Yelling is not really our thing. Probably the last time we were 14 when she told me during school break that her crush asked her for a date during math lesson. But in a marriage proposal you may even go crazy, right?

The next few months were quite hollywoodlike: we have laughingly reviewed locations, tried our way through wedding cake, went shopping for the wedding dress and drank a glass or two of pink sparkling wine. Oh, that was nice.

But then came the turning point. "Do you want to have a bachelorette party?" I ask her casually one evening. "Oh, that would be nice," she replies. From then on the drama took its course.

The strippers are really great. Really. Since you can also lend a hand.?

The bride wanted it stylish. The ladies wanted to dress her up. The school friend was the way too far. If you can not meet somewhere in the middle? The sister-in-law was offended because on her favorite date the other ten women could not. "Do I really have to cancel my brunch?" She wrote incensed. The former colleague did not feel taken seriously, because no one had jumped on her proposal with the twin strippers. They are really great. Really. Since you can also lend a hand.? The fellow student did not have a babysitter. The cousin separated from her husband and got a crying as soon as the word wedding fell. "I just can not do that?" She sobbed into the phone. The good friend insisted on a vegan restaurant. The hotel booking of the kindergarten friend was devastated. The Deutsche Bahn went on strike and the sister was stuck in traffic. My whatsapp memory was overflowing with nerves.

But in the end there was a happy ending ? without stripper, but with a lot of schnapps. When the sun rose, we were all in each other's arms and at the wedding we greeted each other as if we had been the best friends for years.

I liked doing, dear bride. Really. But unfortunately you have to stay together forever and ever. Because I'll NEVER AGAIN!

HELP! Strange Sounds from our Hen, Is this a normal Chicken Sound? (May 2024).