Help, my child is only normally gifted!

Sebstian's sister Constanze is certainly talented, because otherwise she would not have been born with intellectual glasses, right?

© Mrs. Mother

"In 1b, at least 60 percent of the kids are highly gifted with an IQ of 140, but do not worry, Sebastian is quite normal!" These were the words of Sebastian's class teacher. Absolutely normal? Do not worry about it? If my poor child is surrounded only by future Nobel Prize winners?
"We are here in Berlin-Zehlendorf, Mother, here is nothing normal", pushed the teacher still behind.
What did we do to our son? If only we had stayed in Kreuzberg, he could now be the one-eyed blind man at the Neuköllner "Rütli School", but here?

Our blog favorite: With her satirical observations of everyday life, Frau Mutter keeps getting us to laugh loudly through the editorial staff. She says: "The task of raising children is best experienced with humor." She is right!

I have probably just spent the last few years totally potty and my son did not promote enough. Now the children's gymnastics takes its revenge in the 08/15 sports club and countless "Kika" units instead of a Mandarin course. Or is it because of the shitty average genes he has heard from us?
Luckily we have a super dedicated teacher, who had the following advice: Playful coaching in the zeroth hour in the weaker subjects.

Luckily, my son is not the only six-year-old Zehlendorfer Normalo: Together with his equally well-mannered friend, he now rumbles letters and sounds at 7:30 in the morning. Or you could call it "stretch to the ceiling" to keep up with the super brains ...

Meanwhile, the "140s-girls" (well, the gifted ones are females) are reading the maps, badges and anything else worth reading about what they find in the classroom. One of the future "cafeteria" members I have recently watched as she read the contents of the fuse box to the astonished parents.

Sometimes the morning circle is just practiced a small fractional calculation. The room in which our normalos meanwhile sit is called "magic room". Highly suitable, because it will probably require magical powers to make Sebastian a "140er". Now, as a mother of an average-gifted child, one is immediately confronted with the child when it comes to explaining why now zero hours have to be completed.

I explained that to him, "You know, before Spiderman became a Spiderman he could read very badly, he did not know what the" Snake-S "looks like and still he can fly and save people!"

Sebastian: "And the superman, can he count well?"

He always puts on his great jersey and states! "

The nice thing is that his motivation has not diminished yet. He likes to go to school with the magic room and the super IQ girls. It does not seem to bother him if he sometimes takes longer to get it. And the content of the fuse box does not interest him. Anyway, Sebastian prefers to hang down Tarzan-like trees. I should really take an example from him, normal can be so relaxed!

Text by Nina Massek, originally published on

How To Make YOUR Child Smart-Genius Kids(2-7 Year Olds Proof)-Phonics Reading To Raise A Smarter Kid (April 2024).

First graders, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Kreuzberg, blogs, mothers, highly gifted, school, tutoring, achievement pressure, back to school, first class