Fit in the head - in just five minutes

Hand on knee

Activates and harmonizes both halves of the brain.

Sit upright on the front edge of the chair. The arms are stretched more than shoulder-wide open, feet are firmly on the ground, knees above the middle of the foot. Alternately with each hand touch the opposite knee. To do this, slightly raise the respective leg and bring your hand to the knee. Hold for a few breaths, gently press hand and knee against each other. Upper body remains upright. The exercise can also be performed standing up. Repeat: 3 to 5 times each side.

Lying Eight

Balances right and left visual field and stimulates both

While sitting or standing, guide the right arm forward at shoulder height, hand loosely closed, thumb pointing upwards. Now with the thumb in front of the chest a large lying eight "draw". Keep your head straight and straight, your neck relaxed. If possible follow only with the eyes of the movement: paging, then perform with folded hands and two arms. Repeat: 5 times each.

finger Press

Invigorates your breathing and clears your head.

While sitting or standing, spread your thumbs and forefingers and press your fingertips flat against each other. The pressure should not be too strong and not too gentle, finger joints should not be overstretched. Feel how the breath flows in and out of the nose and invigorates the head and shoulders. Repeat: 7-10 breaths.

Whodini - Five Minutes of Funk (Audio) (May 2024).

Concentration ability, workout, concentration, memory