Clean-chic - that can make-up minimalism

Reset the focus

Reduced to the essential, minimalism just does us good. We clean up our apartments with Marie Kondo, put clean eating on our menu, wear Scandinavian fashion labels that stylishly showcase us with their elegant simplicity for years. Because we have too much. Of all. That does not make us happy in the long run, even burdens us. The desire for reduction is there? and with it the minimal beauty trend!

Best of all!

Our make-up is breaking new ground. Between no-make-up and opulent Glitzerstyles is the clean chic. Looks that focus on the mouth OR eye, ONLY focus on the complexion or surprise with subtle little make-up tricks. We'll show you the most beautiful minimal make-ups of the new season and give valuable tips on how to make them look.

How To Cull + Organise Your Makeup [Minimalism Series] // Rachel Aust (May 2024).

Minimalism, Marie Kondo