Cheap refueling: How to save up to 30 cents per liter!

So you make your gas cheaper!

Refueling is simply not fun: You have to stand for an eternity at the gas pump, if necessary, in the cold shiver - and afterwards the tank has pressed your account balance a whole piece down. Gasoline is and remains painfully expensive! Especially if you rely on your car every day, regular gas station visits are a big expense. Luckily, you can massively reduce the gasoline bill with a little tact!

You have to pay attention to that

Petrol prices are not fixed, but change several times during the day - up to seven times a day many gas stations change the price screw. If you look closely, you pay up to 30 cents less per liter - a massive savings that is worthwhile! In addition to the choice of the respective gas station chain, especially the time of day is crucial.

The magic two hours

In the mornings, the prices at the gas station are manageable, at lunchtime they rise, only to sink again in the late afternoon. From nine o'clock in the evening, the price of gas skyrockets suddenly - and then remains high until the next morning. Best of all, the magical two hours between 18 and 20 clock: You get your car usually the cheapest refueled!

How do the price fluctuations arise?

Especially in big cities, the competition is great, often the price screw is the last way to prevail against the competition. Therefore, the price is often screwed down from lunchtime - until it gets to the substance, and the gas station operator runs the risk of losing money. At this point, the price goes up again - where he stays the rest of the night.

So no secret agreement of the oil companies?

No, it is actually a banal price war: If it is cheaper at the gas pump next door, the gas station keeper must follow suit if he wants to continue doing business. Unpleasant for him, good for you as a consumer - if you catch the right time!

Video Recommendation:

How to Save Gas with Eight Secret Tips (May 2024).

Car, gas, gas station