• April 29, 2024

5 months lonely: nurse adopts abandoned baby

In July 2016 Gisele was born. She was underweight and ill, suffering from neonatal abstinence syndrome. These are withdrawal symptoms in newborns? for example, if the mother is addicted to drugs. Cocaine, heroin, methadone was given to Gisele by her mother already in the baby's belly.

The mother left the hospital, leaving her daughter there for treatment. She never returned. Three months later, Gisele's condition stabilized and she was transferred to the Franciscan Children's Hospital (Brighton, Massachusetts), where specialists should devote themselves to their underdeveloped lungs. The state took custody of the girl.

No one visited, searched, missed the baby for five months. It was in the hospital, his future was uncertain. Then a nurse came by and fell in love with the girl.

Liz Smith saw Gisele and the pretty big blue eyes and the delicate baby hair on her head. "Who is this pretty angel?" she asked her colleagues? and was informed by them about the sad origin of the baby. Liz's answer came promptly: "I will take care of this baby, I will be her mother."

Liz Smith was 42 years old at the time and abandoned her desire to have children. She grew up with four siblings, always wished to start a family? but it did not work. She was content to be 13 times aunt, but could never completely bury her heart's desire.

Liz once wanted to try artificial insemination, but could not afford the expensive intervention. Her health insurance would not have supported her financially in the project. Her sister Elly, a threefold mother, suggested she be adopted. But that was out of the question for Liz. Until she saw Gisele for the first time.

After Liz fell in love with Gisele, she sat down at her bedside every day after work and addressed her in a reassuring voice. In her grew the desire to take the girl with her, protect her, take care of her.

In April 2017, when Gisele was nine months old, Liz got permission to take the girl home? On one condition: Should Giesele's birth parents suddenly show up, Liz would have to hand over the girl to her.

Gisele's parents were contacted, but it quickly became clear: they can not take over the custody of their child? et al because of her drug addiction. Other relatives were not found who could have looked after Gisele. So it stayed with Liz: She was allowed to adopt the girl.

Six months later, Gisele caught up in her development. With the help of her new extended family, she learned to walk and could speak her first words. On 18 October 2018 finally came the court order that Liz is now officially Gisele mother. At this point, the girl had been living with Liz for 553 days.

Today Gisele is already two years old, weighs about ten kilos, has a fondness for avocados, cheese and pizza. Compared to The Washington Post, Liz describes her daughter as lively, cheerful and affectionate. Gisele loves to sing. Her favorite song is "You Are My Sunshine" ...

Video tip: 5-year-old is surprised when she is supposed to be adopted

A pediatric nurse in Jacksonville, Florida adopted an abused and malnourished baby (April 2024).

Desire for children, adoption, adoptive daughter, USA