Celebrity votes over a year "Without Models"

Renate Künast, 55, group leader The Greens

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde has started with the initiative "Ohne Models" for the German magazine landscape.The success shows: It is also possible without skinny models.Most women feel somehow bad when they leaf through a women's magazine and compare their normal figure with the pictures of underweight skinny models.There is now an alternative: beauty can be thin, fat, tall, small, young and old.I wish for the future many imitators of the ChroniquesDuVasteMondeAction, so that the whole variety of Beauty is portrayed in women's magazines. "

Anna Loos, 40, actress and singer of the band Silly

"I like the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde shows that there is a difference between a glittering world and reality, you have the courage to do something different, but courage alone is not enough, you have to develop the idea further, I hope In any case, with your action, you're doing something the opposite of what Twiggy did in the '60s - that all women who do not wear size 34 feel fat, and women should not go for the ideals of beauty that are theirs dictated by editors-in-chief and designers, but looking in the mirror, using their brains and working to be happy with what they have at their disposal: themselves?

Karen Heumann, 45 Strategy Director at Jung von Matt

"I think the initiative has brought a new vibrancy and excitement to ChroniquesDuVasteMonde, seeing the new fashion in such different types of women, expanding the notion of beauty, training the gaze, looking different in the world and seeing how many I am also interested in the short biographies, for example, when I read that a woman is a geriatric nurse and loves Sweden or likes to dance, she draws closer to me and I want to know more about her, combining liveliness with depth . "

Barbara Auer, 51, actress

"I was pleasantly surprised and found it very exciting to discover living personalities in these modeling women, and it's a pleasure to see how many beautiful, normal women there are - and all are so different - true beauty does not submit to them Dictation."

Ulrike Folkerts, 49, actress

"You, as a women's magazine, have finally and consistently opposed many false models for young women, which is good, and I would like to see more of it. Keep up the good work."

Known as "Tatort" Commissioner Odenthal, Folkerts is on January 18 in the Sat.1 film "residual risk" to see

Natasha Walter, 44, feminist and author

"It's time for women around the world to realize that we do not have to understand the unrealistic images of female beauty as an ideal." By celebrating a variety of women and body shapes over the past year, ChroniquesDuVasteMonde has taken a good step toward freer ones , a more pleasing fashion and beauty culture. "

On the 11th of February her new book "Living Dolls - Why young women prefer to be smart today than to be clever" is published (t: Gabriele Herbst, 320 pp., 19,95, Krüger)

Judith Rakers, 35, "Tagesschau" - Speaker, "3nach9" - Moderator

"I think the project is absolutely successful! You show great women who have both legs in their lives, some of whom have an absolutely stunning charisma and can present a curriculum vitae that also consists of everyday life and not just decals." Karl Lagerfeld That's also why Beth Ditto calls his new muse, because the real thing is always more convincing in such a superficial world? "

Kristina Schröder, 33, Federal Minister of the Family (CDU)

"The initiative 'Without Models' is brave, honest and simply incredibly refreshing! Finally, no faces retraced to unnaturalness 08/15-faces, not perfectly trained body, but genuine, yet beautiful and interesting women who have personality and charisma and so much It is high time that girls and women are not always fooled with false and supposedly desirable ideals! What we need is normality and authenticity. "

Karnataka Voting Day Live: Celebrities Queue Up To Cast Their Votes. (April 2024).

Model, Renate Künast, Alliance 90 / The Greens, Ulrike Folkerts, Anna Loos