Beat the star: Lucas Cordalis wins against Paul Janke

In the ProSieben show "Beat the Star", Lucas Cordalis (51) challenged ex-"Bachelor" Paul Janke (37) on Saturday. It was a close race: In the end, Cordalis could decide after 15 games but the matter for themselves. Also pleased about his wife: Daniela Katzenberger (32) expressed in the audience her husband's fingers crossed.

Already at the beginning of the show convinced Cordalis, the singer scored in the first rounds. In the meantime, although Janke could overtake him then, a catch-up chase secured the Katzenberger husband but in the end but the victory and 100,000 euros as a reward. "There is that thing !!!!!!", Cordalis was happy on Facebook, where he posted a photo of himself, on which he kisses the suitcase.

Magic Attack mit Cody Stone - Das Polaroidfoto (May 2024).

Lucas Cordalis, Paul Janke, Daniela Katzenberger, ProSieben, Beat the Star, Lucas Cordalis, Paul Janke