Bake your own wedding cake - how it works!

Wedding cakes are part of every wedding. Baking a wedding cake yourself is a bit of a hassle, so we have divided the preparations into two days for you - so you do not run out of time. Our wedding cake has three floors, consisting of three different sized chocolate cake in fondant coat, delicately decorated.

The cakes and the fondant can be prepared and at the very end the cakes are dressed with fondant, put on each other and decorated with flowers, leaves and deco ribbon.

Baking a wedding cake yourself: the ingredients

For the lower cake (Ø 26 cm):

  • 250 g dark chocolate
  • 250 g of butter or margarine
  • 2 tablespoons instant espresso powder
  • 300 g of flour
  • 2 tablespoons baking powder
  • 60 g of cocoa
  • 450 g of fine sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 120 ml buttermilk
  • 2 tablespoons oil

For the middle cake (Ø 22 cm):

  • 170 g dark chocolate
  • 170 g of butter or margarine
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons instant espresso powder
  • 200 g of flour
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 40 g of cocoa
  • 300 g of fine sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 80 ml buttermilk
  • 1 1/2 tbsp oil

For the cupcake (Ø 20 cm):

  • 125 g dark chocolate
  • 125 g of butter or margarine
  • 1 tbsp instant espresso powder
  • 150 g of flour
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 30 g of cocoa
  • 225 g of fine sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 ml buttermilk
  • 1 tbsp oil

For all cakes: Fat for the molds, 130 g quince jelly, 3 marzipan corners à 300 g (eg from Schwartau)

Baking a wedding cake yourself: The preparation

The work steps are the same for all three floors:

  1. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt with the butter and the espresso powder over the hot water bath. Allow to cool slightly.
  2. Sift flour, baking powder and cocoa in a bowl. Add sugar and press a trough in the middle.
  3. Whisk the eggs lightly and pour them together with the buttermilk and the oil into the bowl. Mix everything with the whisk of the hand mixer, then stir in the chocolate butter.
  4. Lay out springform shelves with the sizes Ø 26 cm, Ø 22 cm and Ø 20 cm with baking paper and grease the edges. Pour the dough into the appropriate springform pan and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees, convection 160 degrees, gas level 3 for about 60-70 minutes.
  5. If necessary, cover cake with baking paper so that they do not become too dark. Allow the cake to cool on a grid.

Straighten the wedding cake:

The surfaces of the pies must be quite even, so that the pies can be placed straight on top of each other. To do this, cut the lid off thinly with a long knife. Turn the cake over so that the lower fixed side is on top.

Place a marzipan corner

Heat the jelly, smooth and allow to cool slightly. Thinly sprinkle the cake surface and rim with quince jelly. Roll out the marzipan corner, Place on a roll of cake and unroll on the cake, Beat cake with marzipan.

Correct marzipan corner

Smooth the marzipan corner and press down. Cut off excess marzipan with a knife or pizza roller.

The ingredients for the fondant:

  • 3 teaspoon ground white gelatin
  • 150 ml cane sugar bar syrup (eg from Riemerschmid, rather liquid)
  • 25 g coconut oil (eg Palmin)
  • 1.4 kg powdered sugar

Prepare the fondant

  1. Stir gelatine with 75 ml of cold water and let it swell for 10 minutes. Heat the gelatin with the cane sugar syrup in a small saucepan while stirring at low heat until the gelatine has dissolved. Do not let cook.
  2. Add coconut oil and melt with stirring. Allow to cool slightly.
  3. Sift 1.4 kg of icing sugar into a bowl. Add the gelatin mixture and knead with the dough hooks of the hand mixer, then with your hands to a solid mass.
  4. Place in a freezer bag or better in an airtight container, seal well and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  5. Divide fondant into three corresponding pieces. Keep remaining fondant airtight until use.

Tip: Fondant is also ready to buy - as a so-called roll fondant in different colors.

Roll out the fondant

Roll out the fondant in portions between 2 sliced ​​fresh-food bags or 1/2 cm thick on a work surface that has been dusted with powdered sugar. Depending on the size of the cake, cut the fondant large enough (the diameter of the cake plus 2 x the height of the border gives the minimum size). Loosen the fondant with a pallet from the work surface.

Put fondant over the wedding cake

Fondant with your hands or Place on the marzipan-wrapped cake with the help of a roll of cake, Smooth with your hands and press down. Cut off excess fondant with a knife or a pizza roller.

Stack the cake for the wedding cake

Lift cake with a palette of pie plates and put on each other.

The ingredients for the roses and flowers:

  • 60 g of powdered sugar
  • 125 g marzipan raw material
  • a few drops of yellow, red and green food coloring

Prepare the roses and flowers

  1. Knead sifted powdered sugar and marzipan raw material with your hands.
  2. Color the half of the marzipan with a few drops of yellow and a few drops of red edible apricot dye.
  3. Halve the remaining marzipan. Color one half with a few drops of green food color light green, leave the other half undyed.

Bake your own wedding cake: form calla flowers

Take a hazelnut-sized piece of the undyed marzipan. Use your index finger to form a smooth roll. At the same time, let one end taper slightly.

Roll apricot-colored marzipan 1 mm thick and cut out petals with a drop-shaped cookie cutter. Place between foil and press the marzipan flatter with your forefinger.

Place the marzipan roll towards the tip of the leaves on the marzipan. Beat the lower ends over the roll and press down.

Bake the wedding cake yourself: make roses

Remove a pea-sized ball from apricot-colored marzipan and form into a cone. Place the cone between the film and press flat with your forefinger, leaving one long side slightly thicker than the other.

From the thicker long side roll up the marzipan leaf loosely and press down in the lower part.

From the marzipan form several petals. The petals offset each press so that a rose is formed. If the lower part of the rose is too long, cut it off and brush it round with your fingers.

Make marzipan leaves

Roll out the green-colored marzipan 1 mm thick and cut out leaves with a small drop-shaped cookie cutter. Squeeze the tip a bit and, if necessary, carve the pattern of a leaf with a small pointy knife. Decorate the cake with the flowers and the leaves.

Attach straps

Cut the ribbon to the correct size, making sure the ends overlap slightly. Fix the beginning of the tape with some icing sugar on the cake edge. Carefully, but tightly put the tape around the edge of the cake, coat the end of the tape with powdered sugar and press firmly. Tie a loop from the rest of the tape and also glue with icing sugar. Decorate with the rose and calla flowers and the leaves.

Decorative or satin ribbons are available in decoration shops and decoration departments of large department stores.

Finished cake decorations are available from various companies (eg Dr. Oetker). A lot of accessories for festive cakes can be found online, for example. at Mr. SugarTool.

Timetable: The wedding cake succeeds without stress

Two days before:

  1. Preparing chocolate cake. Allow cake to cool on cake trays and wrap in aluminum foil.
  2. Prepare fondant and refrigerate in an airtight container to prevent it from drying out.

A day before:

  1. Beat all the cakes with marzipan. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate. Do not store the cakes in the fridge, otherwise the marzipan will get wet. Ideal is a cool basement or pantry.
  2. Prepare marzipan roses and calla flowers and store in airtight container between sandwich paper.

On the day of the wedding:

  1. Take the fondant out of the fridge in good time so it is not so cold.
  2. Roll out the fondant and beat in the cake.
  3. Place the cakes on each other and decorate with the marzipan blossoms

The Making of a Wedding Cake | Start to Finish in Under 10 Minutes! (July 2024).

Marzipan, cake, chocolate cake, wedding, wedding party, wedding planning, cake, wedding cake, recipe, wedding, marriage