Bad Date? So you can escape skillfully!

It could all have been so nice. Saturday night, the favorite Italian, the hairstyle is sitting. But then enter HE the room: the nightmare on two legs, the anti-swarm, the absolute dating fright! He has such a bad temper, which somehow permanently bothers you. He tells of his ingrown toenails, puts on a crazy look and has simply a chronic lack of manners. Phew, just do not go crazy - there is always a way out! With these strategies, you can quickly go the distance.

The "chance encounter"

Just need some preparation: you'll have some friends in the date, who can come to the same bar in case of need. Then you're surprised to meet her there and ask her to join you at the table. That was it with the "married" togetherness!

The emergency call

"What, he left you? Do not worry, sweetie, I'll be right with you!"Such a fake call is sometimes worth gold. Because if the girlfriend needs help, of course you have to go immediately, You do not even have to call. Just pretend to see the phone flashing and get up from the table for a moment. Just do not overdo it in your stories: The swindled dead granny or the car accident of the girlfriend are pretty tasteless!

The spoiled food

Oh, the food is not good for you. You would like to lay down on the couch. Too bad that you have to cancel the date therefore. Your admirer but surely understanding for it ...

The great ex-boyfriend

What if the date mentions the ex-partner in every other sentence? Pretty horror right? Perfect, because that has become the behavior of the list of "I'm leaving the dust"Strategies Qualified. Well, then out with the language: What was so great about your ex?

The staple monkey

Another coup from the Vergraul category. You may know Ted from the sitcom "How I met your mother", He likes exaggerating dates and saying too fast "I love you" or forging plans for the future. Do the same thing - as excessively as possible: Three children, house in the countryside, Labrador, Black Forest vacation ... let's hang out the philistine really. Normally, you're going to loose the date very quickly. Disadvantage: If you come up with a similar staple monkey, the effect can be reversed - and his interest increases!

The Polish departure

If nothing else really works, only the wordless escape remains: Is not the nicest option, but very effective. You apologize and go to the bathroom - and just do not come back. Often you can go unnoticed to the main entrance. And otherwise there are still Klofenster ...

And what about the truth?

Oh, a variant still remains: Straight talking. To say that it just does not fit and you would rather go home costs more overcoming, but requires less acting talent. And frankly, it's the fairest way to get away.

Why Ms. Independent Can't Find Mr. Right | Annie White | TEDxWilmingtonWomen (April 2024).
