These garments should only be worn in our 20s

1. Jackets & bags made of imitation leather

When you're young, you often think the viewer could not distinguish real leather from artificial leather. But that's not true. At the latest, if of leatherette bags after a few times wear the handles tear and clear scratches, this stands for poor quality. For an elegant and high quality impression you should at least invest in a real leather bag or jacket.

2. Cheap underwear

Sure, even cheap fashion labels have discovered underwear for themselves and now offer their own collections. The problem with these models, however, is that they are not processed to high quality and contain cheap material. You can make up for it with a nice look and a low price - but what remains is a product with a comparatively short lifespan. More expensive lingerie models have a better fit and can be worn for years. If you do not make much money in your 20s, you can take advantage of cheap lingerie labels - as you get older, you should put more emphasis on quality.

3. Short high waist shorts

We probably all know that our skin does not stay as tight as it used to be when we were teenagers. But when you're out of the 20's, it's actually time to put the high-waisted shorts out of the closet. This does not mean that shorts are generally taboo. Here are the best styling tips for shorts when you're no longer 20.

4. Leggings

Are you on the way to the gym or yoga? Then leggings are of course perfectly okay. Leggings are taboo in public or in the office. Because just as you can hide in short shorts no supposed problem zone, under the tight sports pants also every little dent. And that does not look sexy or elegant. Better: a tight-fitting skinny jeans.

5. Wild pattern mix

Color blocking and wildly mixed animal prints were certainly trendy, but we are also very happy that these times are over. Somehow it looked more like a styling accident. And you do not commit this faux pas from 30 anymore. Therefore, a colorful or patterned piece per outfit is enough. By the way: how you can make Leo-Print look super stylish, we reveal here.

Following a 1920's Dress Pattern : Sewing Through the Decades (May 2024).

Garment, wardrobe, jacket, underwear, leggings, leather