10 things we do better than our parents (and parents-in-law)

"Oh, what you had that well sooner," is one of the favorite sentences of the generation of our parents and in-laws. And that's just the first part of a discussion about full-time care, GPS direction finder, mobile addicts and helicopter parents. Our children are too naughty. Our floors too dirty. Our life too hasty. May be everything, we plead guilty in many points. But not without first pointing your finger vigorously to the values ​​of the 70s and 80s parents. HA! Take this, your know-it-all! Dear mums, dads and in-laws of the nice kind: You are great! You know that no one is perfect ... but to all of you who believe that you have eaten the wisdom with spoons: You must be smashed around the ears on the other side of the coin.

10 things we do better than our parents (and parents-in-law)

1. We pay more attention to a healthy environment

Smoking in the car or in the apartment? No thing in the 70s and 80s. Heck, hell! Even if you did not know how harmful that is ... only the disgust factor for the kids should have been sufficient as an argument.

2. "Do not slip your hand"

Sounds so harmless, but has remained in our memories: The "slipped hand", the "little pat". Did not hurt anyone? Let's see it differently. Therefore, we would never raise our hands against our children.

3. We show our daughters that a good education is worthwhile

Yes, we do not always like going to work and meanwhile leaving our little ones in the day care center. But how else should we show our daughters that women can do as much as men? We believe in doing the right thing when we go to work. Incidentally, we also believe we are doing the right thing if we do not do it again so soon after birth. This has something to do with tolerance. And with the freedom to shape one's life. Whether you are a mother or not.

4. We do not say, "What should the neighbors think?"

Our children do not grow up believing their outward appearance is the most important thing in the world. What we hope for? That our children become adults who open their mouths and tell the truth. Even when it hurts. We need more Gretas and less Duckmaus.

5. We take the effort to educate self-confident children

Which leads us directly to point 5. We are not making it easy with our educational goals. Because self-confident children who are taken seriously, are certainly more exhausting discussion partner than us adapted 70s and 80s kids. Sentences like "When the cake speaks, the crumb has to be silent" we leave to Dieter Bohlen. Why? Because there are enough people who keep themselves constantly in check by the inner critic and do not like themselves.

6. We know that a man is not a pension

We women know what insurance we have taken out and take care of our own money. CHECK.

7. We know how important happy parents are

Important, important, super important point. Maybe that's the best lesson we give to our children. Happy people are good parents. Also applies to mothers in our generation. Point. That is why we take good care of ourselves, go to concerts, meet friends without taking the children and realize our professional goals.

8. We show our sons that even men can clean toilets

Simply by bringing the children's daddy on board. Macho guys are out. By the way, we have also taught this to your sons.

9. We use child seats, bicycle helmets and sunscreen with SPF 50

We admit that you did not know any better. But sentences like "The sun has not harmed you" can be saved. Because she has. By the way, the skin cancer statistics are justifying us over-careful modern-age parents.

10. We are not so embarrassed about our kids

It is quite possible that our children will see things differently later ... but seriously: Things are not worse than the 80s and 90s outfits. Compared to our children's children's photos, we will certainly win every UGLY award in 100 years.

10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Children’s Lives (May 2024).