Annual Horoscope 2019 - Long Version: Taurus

Bull 21.04.-20.05.

Ruler: Venus as a morning star in the form of the goddess on the bull
Mantra: If you only look back, you do not see what's coming.

Attunement for all zodiac signs

In 2019, the epochal triple constellation of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto is slowly forming, which will usher in a completely new era in 2020. And because the changes are so significant and profound, and explicitly because the meeting takes place at the sensitive end of the Cardinal Capricorn sign, the year 2019 presents itself as a phase of inner preparation and a pleasant time of attunement. In 2019 there will be strong shaking up of existing structures and power relations, economic systems will be called into question, federations of states and alliances reorganized, contracts possibly tipped over; and: Assemblies are divided apart and then put together again.

Assistance comes from Uranus, who is now in Taurus on the road and serves a wide range and addresses issues such as security, finances, security in the existential. And in the historical view stands for exciting developments, technical innovations, scientific innovations. Also for new trade monopolies, spectacular regime change of unusual political coloring.

This has partly been reflected in 2018: change of government in Italy, termination of political contracts and agreements (especially by Trump). Beautiful Uranus in Taurus Corresponding is also the consolidation of power by off-line weddings. Then I spontaneously remember the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan, which truly represents a leap into modern, open, unbiased, inclusive thinking and acting. And could constitute a fortification of the royal house. The first paper money was also introduced in a Uranus in Taurus phase - 1690 - and now could be worked on this payment method reforming, the digital payment become the established variant.

Mundanes is automatically reflected in the personal. In the individual experience 2019 is recommended to clean up, emotionally and in concrete areas of life. To find out if and where you still agree with your own life-themes, Saturn-Pluto-Intention is eager to open up new experiences, to let your mind wander, which has been avoided with fear, facilitates detachment processes in areas of life where constructs and concepts are alive prevented. Giving way to new impulses is the helpful inspiration of Uranus in Taurus. In particular, he also calls for refreshing relationship thinking and behavior, allowing or forcing a new relationship setting. Shadow themes in love and desire to track down, pick up and treat healing, is desired. Being free and yet connected in love, and all this with a high degree of responsibility, because Saturn and Pluto call for the latter, is a theme of the year. Love, and then do what you want, is Uranustenor but with the sub message, and what you can answer. Because whatever you design, change, or re-shape in 2019, under Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in 2020, is under critical scrutiny and in edit mode. This is also because Jupiter almost automatically demands an additional expansion, expansion of the personality and all life processes.

This is the year 2019 for the bull

Better alive than comfortable

The strongest impetus will come in 2019 from Uranus, who is not a planet of neat boredom, which keeps going, but triggers openness to everything new, different, and daring; breaking the boundaries, self-defined and externally set, becomes self-understanding. This has taken some getting used to for bulls that are traditionally committed or systematically pushed into this position, and even when life has become too narrow, safety thinking, even an archetypal bull-stamping, has developed into self-circumcision of tempting opportunities. Feeling the pulse of life, of your own heart, is the input of Uranus, who, to make that possible, arranges events around you that catapult out of habits.

Turbulence also requires leaving the comfort zone, felt or real. Out of old thinking, in 2019 can also mean to stir up a too quiet domestic happiness until two beings of flesh and blood, emotionally and emotionally charged, face each other again. This can lead to the questioning of the previous life. And then it helps to ask the right questions, instead of sticking to what has been done so far, or to immediately reject extreme reactions. Just because life may not fit anymore, you did not end up in the wrong kind of way.To be able to differentiate where you have probably missed the branch to pleasurable fulfillment is the advice of Pluto, who insists in the House of Vision and Sense Search to re-understand the meaning of life, to describe it differently. A deeper meaning should be fulfilled in doing and working, perhaps reading old and new philosophers, looking at other doctrines, being interested in Celtic nature deities or tantric rites, seeking new ideals and taking family-imposed decisions apart, if inner evaluation models are too strict and strict ,

In 2019, Pluto also stands for the fight with inner demons, who may demand restriction of enjoyment in 2019, thus denying you what makes your vitality blossom and thrive, the plump, full enjoyment of life. This process corresponds nicely to the 2019 given Uranus melody. His intention: To release one's being and being into the freedom to become free, old rules and dogmas usually have to be revolutionized. However, rest areas are needed as well. Nowhere do I find more peace than in woods or books, could be a bull's utterance.

Lust and love:

Under the guidance of Uranus, the wisdom that it does not matter to predict the future, but to be prepared for it, comes to the fore. And even that is only partially possible in 2019, because Uranus does what he wants, not what you want. Coordinates that shift very suddenly make it difficult to work out concrete, immovable target areas. This especially in matters of lust and love, actually your heart domains, it will change nothing in 2019, only that you may turn this content and wishes on its head.

The impulses for the reorientation of life, go out of you, that is clearly expressed, because something in them comes to light, which so far rather attributed to the counterpart, perhaps even admired there, or on the contrary, was totally rejected. Rather restrained bulls play dominant, rational discover their romantic, sensitive side, who was intellectually oriented, now approaches things emotionally. Emotions have a different value, a different sound, and that is why a new togetherness could be demanded in love and relationship. More openness, more emotionality, more immediate involvement, more authentic attitude to oneself, more willingness to conflict, more chances to try one another. And quite often, more room for excursions, wherever, without discussions, before, after. More erotic adventures, either in the relationship or, if that is being averted, shifting to the very periphery of being. All this can upset, even it should, because when Uranus appears on stage, the love life has earned a refresher.

Happiness is everything that shakes up the soul, says Uranus. For sure, because life impulses, which look a bit more unbridled, have been suppressed too much lately. Now the emotional mixture explodes, and the partnership is about dealing with it. And to stay in the situation before ad hoc actions are clearly warned, Uranus triggers the tendency to go out of something, which still offers potential. Prone to external stimuli, specifically in February / March, May / June and October, you could literally fly madly to a favorite human being who is completely fascinated because he seems to be breathing new life into your emotional and sexual life or better. He is crazy, different, unpredictable in his impulses and takes you to other worlds, very earthly, wild, unorthodox, abducted.

However, what brings Uranus together is not necessarily suitable for everyday use, and the initial kick could eventually become the point of irritation. What attracts, then drives apart again. Balancing the heart and the head saves you from detours. The royal road would be to rekindle the desire in established relationships, which will not go without fundamental changes, the expectations, the attitude to you, to eroticism. Where Uranus is usually called the solution: to let more, closeness grows now over more distance. Even in the friendship area, the interests may break apart in 2019, perhaps in order to re-experience themselves in a different, new relationship. The motto in 2019 means in the interhuman: By what you allow, reject or strengthen, you determine the relationship dynamics.

Job and career:

Even under the uranium drive, processes can not be artificially accelerated, they follow their own laws. Taking this to heart in 2019 prevents it from falling into continuous power mode and busyness, anticipating developments, picking up on semi-precious opportunities and struggling with them. The house, in which purpose is located, is not yet really cosmic in the limelight, but the way is there, the collection of the mosaic stones from which fulfilled action is designed. Whereby the abundance of your talents, preferences and island talents can lead to a struggle for the ideal variant of a composition of all your talents, gifts and privileges. And now that everything in you is pushing out, it can lead to a bottleneck syndrome.

Pause, let all the impulses, desires and vitality swing out first and then sort out, which has priority, what is most connected with your heart and what is in the phase of diffuse, creative preparation and in the waiting area very well is canceled. And even if Lilith pushes until May, now finally show the flag. You need all the impulses that 2019 offers to explore the fullness of your possibilities. The ninth house is extremely exposed, further education, but also literary work, also retreats, studies and knowledge search are placed here. Maybe in 2019, you will be fueled and fascinated by a professional version, which is quite aloof. To run a gallery, a studio for artistic work, a workshop for design design, whether in fashion, jewelery or arts and crafts. Writing books, doing so in a cottage by the lake, working in Germany but living in France, that has something. No matter how crazy and not so strong, you can use your mental powers, your imagination, to powerfully shape your future landscape yourself. This also has something mood-enhancing, especially when the acute reality in everyday working life now saturated and not feather light comes along.

Think in perspective, wonderful things happen to you, but miracles also take time and patience. One or two bulls may feel some friction in relation to employees or supervisors. You may feel in your ability to present concepts, design prototypes, capped. Do not be small, but check in conflicts whether early childhood experiences with authority figures, teachers who are more likely to use black pedagogy, work into your feelings and then color your reactions. You are not surrounded by overpowering beings, you might see better sometimes you act on other people. If you feel resistance, internal or in the staff, you react immediately, but appropriately. What you do not address, you take with you into the private life, and it provides there for oppression, maybe anger. Getting in touch with yourself every morning, being quietly proud of yourself, and being in the position you are in now makes you more resistant inside. And who, Uranus variant, complains that he has squandered his time, be reminded: now, whether you can already affirm this or still work on it, in the place where you wanted to be, consciously or unconsciously. Always right: the place where you stand is the place that makes development possible.

Body and soul:

Inhaling inhalation and exhaling in 2019 is a continuous learning topic. Because Uranus, strong in the game, until May by Lilith additionally incited, can provide for overheated situations, which also express themselves on the physical. They feel quickly attacked, quickly meant and addressed and react with a bang of adrenaline. Those who complain of dry eyes in 2019 can use artificial tears, euphrasia drops for relief, but should first of all keep in mind that obviously the blinking of the eyelid is reduced, which causes the mucous membranes to dry out and has something to do with the adrenaline level. Often times to close the eyes, on both sides, with thumb and forefinger to massage the inner corner of the eye, immediately brings relief. And by the way, if you want to improve the concrete, conscious seeing in the outside anyway, you should close your eyes more often anyway, turn your gaze inwards.

Chiron now resides in the house of the hidden self, the unconscious, the soul retreat. Healing, in any area whatsoever, takes place in 2019, rather through subtle, holistic healing. What therapies of conventional medicine does not exclude, but this meaningful and starting at the point of emergence supplemented. The deliberate immersion in phases of silence, is now also the best regulative to stay in peace inside. Inner tension can now look for a physical equivalent, for example, cause problems with the neck, which is indeed associated with bull, if you hold on to previous patterns too much. "Stubborn" in the same rhythm of staying gear of things, although your development is no longer promoted there, is expressed in the somatic.

Currently, Chiron reveals old injuries. Like previous measures that have become a consequence of self-regulation and have prevented or exacerbated any free flight of the soul, the lifting of too dignified life realization. This processing, self-reflection, requires reflection, which requires a reduction of external stimuli. Long walks, a weekend in monastic retreat, for example, on the ruins of the monastery before Cannes, Saint-Honorat, then becomes an unforgettable experience, which reveals blocked longings and deep layers in the self. Under Uranus, who pulls up the pace of life from March onwards, life can also be a bit sportier. But one thing is a prerequisite, do not be too radical with you, extreme sports and Uranus, that does not go well together.Even trekking tours in areas that the Federal Foreign Office does not recommend as a crisis-ridden rather than a destination, are under heavy occupation of the House of long-distance travel rather daring company. Your weak points, diseases of the throat and throat area, are more likely to occur in 2019 if you place your thoughts and feelings in separate districts instead of bringing them together and you are not really connected in these areas.

Power sources:

  1. Music. And bulls know that vocal art is not created solely by soloists, but also presupposes the choral singing. Choir singing is Bull's favorite domain.
  2. Arrange gardening and flowers or breed rare varieties. Bulls have an intimate relationship with nature, the flowers and plants thank you with magnificent prosperity.
  3. Inhale beautiful impressions. Bulls are blessed with a pronounced sense of beauty. Watching paintings, a tour along the castles, in the Loire Valley, combined with a wine tasting, that feels like a splendid life; Ars Vivendi.
  4. Cook. Bulls are gourmets and Lucullus followers. Cooking, for inspiration and gusto, listening to opera arias, is the ultimate pleasure.
  5. Celebrating life with friends, eating, drinking, talking at long, full tables, following the southern family tradition, colorful and plump, it could not be better.
  6. Kundalini Yoga, closely related to Tantric thought. Ideal for bulls who care to cleanse and open their energy centers.
  7. Dance in luck, like ballroom dancing, also like formation dance.

Click here for the entire annual horoscope 2019!

Taurus 2019 – 2020 Astrology Annual Forecast (April 2024).

Annual Horoscope, Taurus, Zodiac, Uranus, Chiron Works