London: Nothing like it!

I'm in London right now? where are cool vintage clothes and which pub in Notting Hill do you like? Questions like these were asked by ChroniquesDuVasteMonde author Bernhard Lill on a travel platform on the Internet; With his netbook, he could be online almost anytime, anywhere in the city. Answered him nice people who are familiar: real Londoners.

So he landed in the hippest spots in the British capital: rummaged in the district Spitalfields for cheap designer pieces, danced in the Regent's Park Swing, cycled along the Thames. He had a lot of fun for relatively little money, because thanks to the favorable exchange rate, London is now cheaper than ever. So go!

Read the brand-new London report with many tips in ChroniquesDuVasteMonde, Issue 17, from the 29th of July at the kiosk.

The Perishers - Nothing Like You And I - London Soundtrack (May 2024).