Advertising brochures in plastic? Please abolish!

Every week, 20 million German households receive the advertising message "Einkauf aktuell". Unbidden. Some like to look at it, it also includes a TV program and a few info texts. Many throw them straight away in the trash - and then they are angry. Because the leaflet is sealed in plastic, always. So you can not just throw it in the waste paper, but you have to unpack it first and dispose of the plastic bag extra in the green dot trash. At least if you conscientiously separate the garbage.

But the advertising leaflets of Deutsche Post not only make work, they are above all an enormous burden on the environment. According to Deutscher Umwelthilfe, the amount of these foil packaging per year amounts to 1 billion bags and about 2886 tons of waste.

For completely redundant holds this garbage Fabian Lehner, an 18-year-old from Lower Bavaria. He has launched a petition on the platform in which he asks the post office to do without the film wrapping. And apparently he speaks to so many people in Germany from the soul: Nearly 130,000 have signed the petition.

Fabian Lehner also has a suggestion on how to send the mailings as an alternative: "The leaflets could be folded together without the plastic cover and held together if necessary with a glue point - which would be particularly beneficial for the sorted collection and recycling of waste paper," he writes in his petition.

Fabian Lehner has already handed over part of the signatures to the post office. And indeed, his concern is taken seriously. Today he wrote in an update to the petition to the supporters: "The large public pressure based on your support was the trigger for me to finally meet with the responsible persons of the Deutsche Post mid-week to a round table." Here I am our arguments speak out, discuss environmentally friendly alternatives and of course hand over all signatures. "

Nevertheless, supporters should continue to sign the petition, Lehner said, "to maintain the pressure." Deutsche Post has promised to thoroughly examine the procedure and all arguments.

That's the only thing that helps against the plastic garbage: a "no advertising" sticker on the mailbox.

Here you can sign the petition.

【ENG SUB】《明星大侦探4》第5期:天堂公寓——林更新解锁超能力 张若昀王鸥鬼鬼何炅撒贝宁 带你感受探案之旅 完整珍藏版 Who's The Murderer 4 EP5【湖南卫视官方频道】 (June 2024).

Pollution, plastic, German Post, Lower Bavaria