10 things you can do instead of waiting for his message

The phenomenon is well known: you write a guy who then eeeewig not back. Instead of figuring out why he does not manage to type a few letters into the cell phone (and no, most of the time he's not in the hospital and his smartphone has not fallen into the water), you can make your time more enjoyable Drive things away. And the guy? Can one steal!

Very important for these measures: Leave the cell phone at home!

1. Eat a really cool ice cream

And without remorse. The ice will not give you a basket. It does not say "Maybe you can eat me, but later"No, you get it NOW and ALL and SO MUCH you want. Yammie!

2. Book the next vacation

Because at the same time you get at least as nice tingling in the stomach as with the guy who does not answer. Ha!

3. Go to the gym

No good exchange? Yes, because then you will feel better and more balanced. And no longer clinging to the smartphone like a wild Hulk. By the way, you're doing something for your fitness and your bikini body.

4. Go to the barber

A completely new hairstyle? As long as you do not have a naggy guy at your side, you can relax every style relaxed. Take advantage of that!

5. Borrow a dog at the shelter

He is happy, you are happy ... And: Unlike some men, dogs are loyal and thankful!

6. Do a shopping tour

Such a new dress will, in case of doubt, emit more endorphins than Mr.'s answer. "I am so busy and have no time to answer you!"

7. Go to the sauna with your best friend

Or in the swimming pool. Or for a massage. The main thing is, you have someone at your side who really appreciates you.

8. Rearrange the apartment

One room is enough! Swapping two pieces of furniture can bring a whole new impetus to your home. If you do not feel like pushing, do some new pictures and accessories.

9. Get on the bike!

Get the bike out of the cellar, pump up the air and then off into nature! Relieves the head and is good for the cardiovascular system.

10. Be creative

Painting a picture, writing a poem, composing a song ... Get creative! Be completely free in your actions - you do not have to show your works to anyone.

How to Finally Stop the Agony of Waiting for His Text (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy) (May 2024).
