Yoga for beginners

Yoga for Beginners: What happens in the yoga class?

Although there are many different styles with different emphases, in all variants, asanas (physical exercises), pranayama (breathing techniques) and relaxation exercises play a role.

Sun salutation, cobra or tree The asanas are held for a certain time, for example for several breaths, or as a dynamic series of movements in synchrony with the breathing rhythm. Yoga classes end with a final meditation, in which you go on a mental journey through the body, draws attention to pictures or thoughts, repeats a sequence of movements or concentrates entirely on the breath.

The quality has to be right: How to find a good yoga teacher

Yoga should be practiced under expert guidance to learn the correct postures. A quality feature is the training by the professional association of yoga teachers in Germany. There you will find yoga teachers and schools. There are also courses in the sports club, in the gym, in the community college or in family education centers.

You should take this into the course

Comfortable clothing, socks instead of shoes and a soft pad (is often provided) - more is not necessary for yoga. In addition there is a course fee or the membership fee.

Test: Which type of yoga are you?

Find out which yoga style suits you with our test. To test: Which type of yoga are you?


Professional Association of Yoga Teachers in Germany e.V. Here you will find information and yoga teacher

Ashtanga Yoga Infos and Tutorials

Iyengar Yoga B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Association Germany e.V.

Kundalini Yoga Association for the Advancement of Man through Yoga

viniyoga Yoga Institute for Qualification, Therapy and Research

Yoga For Complete Beginners - 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout! (May 2024).

Yoga, Germany, Yoga, Wellness, Fitness, Beginner, Beginner