Yoga exercises for more energy

Actually, everything is very clear: summer is followed by autumn, then winter, the seasons rotate like an eternal wheel. But in life repetitions have little room, everything has to go on and on, and often it feels like a straight highway on which you are traveling at excessive speed. This has consequences: the rhythm of the year and the pace of our lives are not compatible, especially the changes between the seasons are causing us, we are tired and tired.

That's where our program comes in: Yoga exercises that fit the season bring the rhythm of nature back to life, giving you energy and strength. Each season has its own theme, and so do the yoga exercises with the course of the sun. And so that body and mind do not lag behind the changes, special rituals facilitate the transition. They make it easier for you to move from one season to the next and prepare the immune system for the change.

Energy for the fall

The theme in the fall is letting go. The leaves are falling, the days are getting shorter and we are pulling back more. The yoga exercises for the fall support this with light movement, they stretch especially the chest and strengthen the exhalation, the letting go.

Cat Twist

That's the way it works: Mobilizes the rib cage and promotes flank breathing.

That's how it's done: Quadruped stand, hands under the shoulders, knees under the hips. Push the left under the right arm and put down the left shoulder, while turning the upper body. The right forearm is approximately vertical, the weight remains evenly distributed on both legs. Then press the right hand into the ground and lead the left arm to the left and far up into the vertical, while turning the head. 5 times, then paging.


That's the way it works: Stretches the chest muscles, relaxes the lower back.

That's how it's done: Lay on the left side, legs bent, knees on top of each other. Open arms to the side. Inhale, turn head to right, closing right hand to loose fist. In a pause, turn head left and exhale open the left hand. Inhaling, close the left hand to the loose fist. In a pause, turn your head to the right and exhale, open your right hand. 5 times in a row, then knees on the other side.

Energy for the winter

In winter, the focus is on the essentials in the center. It's about preserving energy, not exhausting yourself. The yoga exercises support this through calm, gentle movements. They relax and convey a feeling of deep calm and warmth.

Massage your feet

That's the way it works: Relaxed and invigorated.

That's how it's done: Sit comfortably and upright while sitting cross-legged. Take one foot in your hand and massage the sole of your foot from toe to heel with your thumb under gentle pressure. Approximately 1 minute, then side change.

Feet together

That's the way it works: Warms up and activates.

That's how it's done: Sitting on the ground, leaning on the forearms. Sit up your upper body and, with your legs bent, rub your soles together until you get a pleasant warmth - continue to breathe. Approximately 1 minute.

forward bending

That's the way it works: Stretches the back of the leg, stimulates digestion through deep abdominal breathing.

That's how it's done: In the long seat, if possible with a long spine, bend the upper body far forward and relax on the thighs. Move your hands as far forward as possible next to your legs. Stay in the posture for some deep breaths.

Energy between the seasons

The time between the seasons is the phase of change and transition. The change from the hot summer to the cooler, rainy autumn (from yang to yin) and from the cold winter to the first warmer sunbeams in the spring (from yin to yang) are delicate moments that easily bring us out of our midst. Important in this phase is to find the balance. These yoga exercises help: They center, stabilize and strengthen the middle of the body.

The dancer

That's the way it works: Promotes balance, strengthens the core muscles and vitalises.

That's how it's done: Stand upright, fix your eyes on a quiet spot. Tense the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, shift weight to the left leg, grasp the right foot with the right hand and gently guide it backwards. Now guide the left arm up into the vertical. Tilt the upper body upwards or forwards. Linger a few quiet breaths in the position. Page change.


That's the way it works: Centered and helps to provide more stability and stability.

That's how it's done: Stand up, feet open more than hip-wide. Press the soles of the foot actively into the ground and rise above this pressure up over the vertex of the head. The hands are one handbreadth below the navel one above the other, left over right. If possible, close your eyes and turn your attention inwards. As long as it is comfortable, stay in position.

Board with knee circles

That's the way it works: Stimulates breathing and circulation, connects the upper and lower body, stabilizes and strengthens the body center.

That's how it's done: Quadruped stand, hands under the shoulders, knees under the hips. Tense abdominal, buttocks and pelvic floor muscles, stretch your legs backwards one after the other and put your toes up. Upper body, pelvis and legs form an inclined plane. Now bend one leg and describe with the knee under the hip joint small circles. 5 times in each direction, paging.

Here you can download for free the complete program including the exercises for spring and summer as pdf: Download yoga exercises

Yoga Poses For Energy (May 2024).

Yoga, the dancer, centering, board with knee circles, forward bending, feet massage, feet rubbing together, crocodile, Ct twist, yoga, seasons