In 5 steps to the perfect evening make-up

Evening make-up: That's part of it

During the day, it may like to be fresh and a bit more subdued, but when we dress up in the evening, we want the make-up to shine as well as we do. You should not skip these steps during your evening make-up:

1st primer

The Foundation can go awry. This base must be really perfect for your rest evening make-up to really show off. A particularly effective trick with the Foundation is to buy two colors at once. So you can do that for you mix the perfect sound yourself! Do you apply a brush to the primer, make sure you work from the inside out? otherwise there are ugly edges.

2. eyes

An evening make-up includes a glamorous eye make-up, such as Smokey Eyes, This emphasizes your eyes ideal and also looks very elegant. Which eyeshadow you need, how to make the perfect eyeliner and even more you will find out in the article about Smokey Eyes make-up.

Tip: Not found the right mascara for your eyelashes yet? We have tips for every eyelash type.

So that the beautiful eye make-up comes to its best, you can also bring your eyebrows in shape. How to do this is explained in the article Eyebrow Trim.

3. Blush

Around your face To give contour and to make your complexion glow, a blush is the perfect choice. Depending on the skin tone some colors fit better, with fair skin is a z. B. a rosé ideal. A dark type can be good for apricot and medium-sized types are bright with berry tones. And so you can apply rouge.

4. mouth

Should the eyes be in the foreground or rather the kiss mouth? A shade of red is the classic on the lips and always looks classy? and goes well with any outfit. Less powerful, but no less glamorous is a gloss for evening make-up.

5. Highlighter

A highlighter has long been one of the absolute must-haves. For this you need next to the highlighter still a blender or rouge brush. Put the highlighter on these places:

  • Nose back, which makes the nose look narrower
  • Under the eyes up to the temples, because that makes the eyes more alert and the cheekbones look taller
  • Between the eyebrows, that makes the face look symmetrical

Even more beautiful inspirations can be found in the party make-up. And the perfect hairstyle for your evening look is waiting for you in the glamor hairstyles, bet ?!

Perfect Smokey Eye in 5 Steps?! Smokey Eye Tutorial for Beginners | Roxette Arisa (May 2024).

Smokey eye, eyebrows, glamorous make-up, evening make-up, glamor make-up, eye shadow, blush, lipstick