Yoani Sanchez: Around the World in 80 Days

Yoani Sanchez leaves Cuba for a trip through twelve countries to give talks and interview. Their route includes Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany. In the US, the social network pioneer wants to visit the corporate headquarters of Google, Twitter and Facebook.

Sánchez became world-famous through her multilingual blog Generation Y, with excerpts of which she also published in 2007 at ChroniquesDuVasteMonde.com. Their clever and critical observations of socialist everyday life on the Caribbean island went against the native censorship around the world. "Of course I'm scared in Cuba," she wrote, "but I have nothing to hide, I have no weapons, my weapon is freedom of expression." In 2011, the journal "Foreign Policy" put Sanchez on the list of the 100 most influential people.

Only in January, the Cuban government eased the migration laws, giving Cubans far-reaching freedom to travel. In the years before, Sanchez was denied departure about 20 times? She was also not allowed to travel abroad to receive her numerous awards and journalist awards.

Yoani Sánchez: "Generación Y" | Talks at Google (May 2024).

Cuba, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, Freedom of Travel, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Germany, USA, Google Inc., Twitter, Facebook