Conspiracy theorists sure: Planet "Niburi" will extinguish the earth this month

Enjoy another mulled wine at the Christmas market, eat your favorite food again, enjoy life to the full! Because: This month, the world will go down, because a gigantic planet will crash to earth and wipe out all life.

Do not you think? Then take a look at this video, which is supposed to show the orbit of the mysterious planet Niburi, which is four to ten times bigger than the Earth:

Worrying, right? But perhaps that will reassure you: Scientists say that this mega-planet, also sometimes called "Planet X", does not exist. Rather, the conspiracy theorists who see (once again) the end of the world, a bang.

One must be able to see a planet of such huge dimensions with the naked eye. Say the scientists. But the sun still obscures the deadly Niburi. Say the conspiracy theorists.

Whoever is right in the end - if we think about it, we'll go buy the last Christmas presents. If the world goes down, it does not matter - and if not, we are Christmas, at least not empty-handed!

The Dark Star Planet X Theory Part 3 12,great (May 2024).
