Single mother moves everyone to child poverty with her words

She only needed three tweets to attract thousands of readers: Twitter user @MaulendeMirthe, a single mother currently living on Unemployment Benefit II, has now described an everyday situation she experienced with her son:

The son told me today that he lends money on the long day of school, so he can go to the cafeteria with the others.
He did not dare to ask, so as not to burden me. # Poverty

? Myrtle Elizabeth Warren (@MaulendeMirthe) June 12, 2018

I would even understand it.
Peer pressure is shit, but in the age probably the rule.
And extra breads from home are filling, but they are not cool.

? MaulendeMirthe (@MaulendeMirthe) June 12, 2018

Much sadder is the fact that he thinks that two euros a week is too much for us.

That makes poverty out of children.

? MaulendeMirthe (@MaulendeMirthe) June 12, 2018

Who reads these words, the situation can hardly leave cold. The boy is ashamed to eat his mother's lunch sandwich at school, but he does not dare to ask Mama for money - so he lends his money to his comrades. This situation has not only moved the mother herself.

It's about the feeling, not the money

Many Twitter users then offered their help, wanted to invite mother and son to dinner or donate some money. But that's not what the young woman is concerned about, she continues. The problem is not 2 euros a week, but the feeling that her life situation seems to trigger in her son.

In an interview with, the young mother describes: "I felt helpless, because I was once again aware of what poverty does to my child: He has the constant feeling of being a burden, having to calculate what is financially possible is and is not. " Above all, it sees politics as having a duty to help families and single mothers who are in a similar situation.

Poverty as a vicious circle

In the interview, the young mother called poverty a "vicious circle that is hard to break." Since my city does not support secondary schools, my child will come home at 2 pm If I had adequate care, I could possibly study full time and also 450 euros to earn. "

She says that this can not continue - the politicians have no choice but to tackle and solve this tense situation. You and all other concerned parents and single parents would only wish it?

Child Poverty: In their own Words (May 2024).

Twitter, child poverty