Yes, we are still breastfeeding! These mothers do not want to hide

Breastfeeding? Yes of course! But not more than a year, please.

It's crazy. In our society mothers are required to breastfeed. If they do not breastfeed, they must face the charge of denying their child anything of decisive emotional and health significance. Six months are set. Those who breastfeed for longer, and even publicly admit this, must justify themselves. After nine months for the first time. After a year anyway. After one and a half years, there are funny looks, beyond that follow the first verbal attacks.

"I usually secretly keep my son secret"

The American photographer Jade Beall wants to fight with a photo project for the acceptance of long-term breastfeeding. She portrayed not only other mothers and their children breastfeeding, but also herself nursing her three and a half year old son. The photographer has overcome that: "I usually secretly keep my son at home, otherwise I have the feeling that I am doing something bad in public."

Jade's plea: "Ask me, if that seems weird, or you do not understand why the mothers and I do that, but do not insult me." On their Facebook page, many women are already doing so, who also report on their experiences.

© Jade Beall

The benefits of breastfeeding have been proven

Breastfeeding strengthens the immune system, it protects against allergies, overweight, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It makes children more intelligent and protects the mother from breast cancer. All these benefits are scientifically proven. So why do women who still breastfeed still have to apologize?

Critics accuse mothers to inhibit the mental development of the little ones by long-term breastfeeding, to establish a disturbed attachment relationship and to satisfy their own needs and not those of the child. In discussion forums, especially women complain that they find it irritating when in the café a three-year-old boy pushes up the shirt of the mother to drink at the breast.

Photographer Jade Beall is convinced that her son will one day signal himself if he no longer wants to drink at the breast. How long will she breastfeed him? no matter if anyone commented negatively.

© Jade Beall

Mother is criticized for breastfeeding her baby in public | What Would You Do? (April 2024).

Long-term breastfeeding, jade beall, nursing children, long-term breastfeeding, long breastfeeding, toddler breastfeeding