White cabbage: hearty recipes

The best cabbage recipes from the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde cuisine

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White cabbage recipes for a hearty winter

When does white cabbage have season?

White cabbage (also called white cabbage, kappes or kabis, depending on the region) is available all year round, but in winter the often hearty white cabbage recipes are especially popular. The main harvest months for the Early white cabbages are May and June, the other varieties are in the September, October and November harvested. Imports play only a small role in the German market.

What should be considered when purchasing white cabbage?

The heads should be tightly closed and have no feeding or impact points. Simply remove the harvested outer leaves.

How is white cabbage stored?

In a cool place (in the fridge or in the basement), a white cabbage keeps about two weeks.

What nutritional value does white cabbage have?

White cabbage contains about 20 milligrams of vitamin C and thus has the highest content of all types of cabbage. Like all types of cabbage, white cabbage contains ascorbigen ? a precursor of vitamin C, which is only converted to vitamin C by boiling. Normally, part of this vitamin is lost during cooking. It also contains white cabbage Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron and iodine, Noteworthy are the content of provitamin A, vitamins of the B group and fiber.

For which recipes is white cabbage used?

Large quantities are industrially processed into sauerkraut. White cabbage is a favorite in your own kitchen for stews, casseroles or braised as a vegetable garnish, A German classic is cabbage rolls. Blanched cabbage leaves are stuffed with spiced minced meat, rolled up, sautéed briefly and then stewed.

How is cabbage made?

Cabbage can be eaten raw and cooked. Through the outer leaves, the head is "neatly packed"? if the removed outside leaves the cabbage does not need to be rinsed off.

  1. To cut the big head small, first quarter the cabbage with a big long knife.
  2. From the coal quarters cut out the stalk wedge-shaped. The trunk is very hard and will not be eaten.
  3. To braise or for salads cut the Kohlviertel across into narrow long strips.
  4. The cabbage strips are especially fine when the cabbage quarters are finely chopped on a vegetable slice. This is especially important if the cabbage is to be eaten raw as a salad.

For white cabbage salad, the finely chopped cabbage and a little salt stomp with a meat tenderizer or a large filled tin can (Clean the can well before). As a result, the solid leaf structure is partially smashed and the cabbage becomes "mellower".

There are also salad recipes in which the cabbage is boiled in salted water for a few minutes, which makes it mellow and boosts the vitamin C content.

Tips for white cabbage recipes

Cabbage is made even healthier by cooking, because the ascorbing is converted to vitamin C. That's why the cabbage like for stews and stews use. By stewing the cabbage tastes a little sweeter. Those who suffer from stomach or intestinal diseases should not eat too much white cabbage because it has a strong flatulent effect.

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Cabbage roulade, winter vegetables, winter recipes, cabbage, cauliflower, chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, red cabbage, cabbage, pointed cabbage, vegetables, closeup, ground recipe