What Muslim women with headscarves think - and experience

"It's just a piece of fabric, relax!"

Because many of us only see but do not know Muslim women, there are a lot of clichés about women wearing hijab. Mostly the headscarf is understood as a sign of oppression. Especially young women decide for it deliberately and for individual reasons.

This is shown by the thoughts and experiences shared by Muslim women in the anonymous "confessional app" Whisper.

They speak of pride, fear, protection, love of hate, violence, freedom and heavy metal - and thus reveal the diversity of Muslim women, which can not be reduced to one piece of fabric:

Free will

© Whisper

"I'm wearing my headscarf because I WANT THIS. Why can not anyone understand?"


© Whisper

"Did not wear a headscarf when going out for the first time, never felt so free in my entire life."

Heavy Metal

© Whisper

"I'm a Muslim girl, I wear hijab and I listen to metal, am I messing up?"

piece of fabric

© Whisper

"People make the hijab more than it really is, it's a piece of cloth, relax."


© Whisper

"It's 9:45 and so far I've heard" Go to Hell "three times and twice" I hate you "... all because I practice my faith and wear a headscarf."


© Whisper

"When I went down the street today in my hijab, a young man threw a rock at my head and called me a terrorist." What has become of this world? "

Nothing special

© Whisper

Last month, I started going to the gym, which is NOT special, I repeat, this is NOT special, so stop staring at me, I'm no different from you. "


© Whisper

"I'm scared to take off my hijab, even though I do not believe in it at all, I feel as soon as I take it off, there's no going back and I lose my family."

love-hate relationship

© Whisper

"Sometimes it's annoying to have to wear a headscarf, sometimes I love it."


© Whisper

"I work so hard to remind people that I'm a normal person, they only see the headscarf."


© Whisper

"Carrying a hijab helps me feel safe, and I feel like my hijab protects me, especially from the outside world."


© Whisper

"I was never forced to wear hijab, it was my choice and I'm proud, the hijab is my crown."

Forbidden fruit

© Whisper

"I was told - very directly - that my hijab does not make me less sexy, but adds to my charm and literally makes me a forbidden fruit."

'I feel so guilty': Muslim women discuss removing their hijab at work (April 2024).

Headscarf, Islam, prejudice