• April 29, 2024

What is pansexual?

What is pansexual? The orientation

Pansexuality denotes one sexual orientationwho do not have the attraction for one certain gender Are defined. The term "Pan" comes from the Greek and means "Everything" or "Comprehensive".

What does it actually mean when someone is pansexual?

Pansexual people can introduce themselves to people of every gender:

  • Sexual Attraction
  • A relationship
  • Romantic connections

What is pansexual? The difference to bisexual

Find people who feel bisexual men and women attractive. So there are both heterosexual and homosexual tendencies. So far, there is no difference to pansexuality.

This is possible, however far beyond thatby not classifying people into male and female, but completely regardless of gender considered. The sexual orientation depends on the person.

There are too Transgender, Intergender, Hermaphrodite and all other possible genders included. There is only one Age and species restriction, Minors or animals are excluded.

What is pansexual: Am I pansexual?

  • Pansexuality has received more attention in recent years. That was certainly because of thatprominent representatives find themselves feeling panic-stricken and outing. Among them is the singer Miley Cyrus or the rapper Angel Haze.
  • Most people find their sexual orientation in the puberty and then keep them for a lifetime. However, since we are in one society growing up, who teaches us the classic gender image of man and woman, it may be that we only realize many years later that we do not fit into the usual pattern and are pansexual.
  • When you realize that you are basically Sexually attractive to all sexes you're probably pansexual. Pansexual people are often very open and tolerant peoplethat go beyond and break through restrictive conventions. Thus, there is not only the sexual component, but also pansexuality as social attitude.

You are attracted by an emotional component? Then maybe you are demisexual. And sometimes you ask yourself: what is sapiosexuality?

If you want to discuss topics about love and sexuality, check out the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Community.

Video tip: 3 types of love

Pansexuality Explained (April 2024).

Sexuality, love