Week of pregnancy 37 (SSW 37): Are you getting impatient?

This is how the baby develops in the 37th week of pregnancy

In the 37th week of pregnancy your baby is about 48 cm tall and weighs about 2950 g. If it were already born during this pregnancy week, it would be a late premature baby. But do not worry, it's all over. In the uterus, it has become so tight that although thumb sucking is still working, but big somersaults are no longer in it. After all, most of the babies have already gone to their birth position with their heads and slipped into the pelvis.

Now the baby sleeps a lot and collects powers for childbirth. It also continues to save fat reserves one - about 30 grams are added daily to weight. These are especially important for your child to be able to regulate his body temperature independently after birth. In addition, reserves for the hours after birth are important if the baby sleeps a lot and must first practice drinking at the breast or bottle.

The Cheese smear and remaining Lanugo hair becomes lessthrough the amniotic fluid does the baby pick up these particles? which stimulates the intestine. The so-called Kindspech (meconium), the first bowel movement, arises. In the first days after birth (usually after one or two days) is he eliminated? Do not be scared when he's almost black.

If the amniotic sac bursts prematurely and the amniotic fluid is green

In response to stress? for example, an oxygen deficiency? if the fetus can deliver stool (meconium), then the amniotic fluid turns greenish. If the baby breathe in the green amniotic fluid before or during the birthing process, it may cause meconium aspiration syndrome come, while the lungs are blocked. If green amniotic fluid escapes, the pregnant woman should be taken to a hospital immediately, so that the meconium can be sucked out of the baby's airways as quickly as possible.

Pregnancy calendar: This happens in the 37th week of pregnancy (3rd trimester) with your body

When is it finally here? The environment is getting hibbelig and counts every second with the birth? Just do not let go of the peace and quiet times selfish. There arefour weeks to the calculated date of birth and that's YOUR time. So, enjoy, rest, do what you enjoy.

Raspberry leaf tea and yoga? Or cake and sofa?

Reason versus pleasure. The old lyre. And now the absolution. Raspberry leaf tea and cake are wonderful to combine. What is now causing most pregnant women problems is iron deficiency. The iron store is empty at the end of the pregnancy. Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, lentils, white beans, millet and oatmeal should now be on the menu. Combined with a glass of orange juice, this helps the body to optimally utilize the iron. Whether it must be a higher-dose iron supplement from the pharmacy, you can talk to your gynecologist or your midwife.

Discharge? A sign

From the 37th week of pregnancy some pregnant women notice a stronger discharge, which can be bloody or slimy. The Schleimpropf, which has closed the cervix, then dissolves. A harbinger of inaugural labor.Women who have a baby for the first time have first labor at intervals of about 12 hoursbefore it actually starts with the birth. The first contractions of the uterus, however, are usually perceived a little weaker and sometimes not recognized as opening pains. The intervals then become shorter and the intensity increases, Only when the cervix is ​​completely open, it starts with the correct birth. In the 38th SSW we tell you when it's time to go to the clinic!

36th and 37th week pregnancy baby #3|YoungSoutherMom (May 2024).

Pregnancy week, childbirth, pregnancy, labor pain, midwife, birth preparation