Warm up exercises: The optimal warm-up before training

Warm Up Exercise: How to do it right

During the warm-up exercises, it is important to start slowly and first to stretch the big musclessuch as the legs and butt before loosening your arms. The workout consists of a mix of mobility and stretching exercises and takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete, Then you should not let too much time pass between the warm-up exercises and your training, otherwise the warm-up is not effective.

Why should you warm up?

Through the warm-up exercises, the body is better supplied with blood and is thus more efficient, In addition, you get your circulation going and reduce the risk of injury.

The best warm-up exercises

1. Run on the spot

Not much has to be said about this exercise. To warm you up, you should spend about a minute walk in small steps on the spot, For a bit of variety, you can pull your knees as high as possible or do so-called butt kicks. This means that you touch your butt with your heels.

2nd jumping jack as a whole body workout

The Jumping Jack is a classic warm-up, because similar to sit-ups, push-ups or squatsHe warms up the entire body, In the starting position, you stand shoulder width and keep your arms straight against your body.

Then you jump in the straddle until your legs are spread wide while at the same time keeping your arms straight above your head. The next step is to bring your legs back together and put your hands back to your body.

3. Lunge for the gluteal muscles

For the lunge you take a big step forward so that your hind leg is only on the heels. Then you go with the knee deep in the ground, but without putting it off, Make sure that your upper body and back are straight and your abdominal muscles are tight.

Your front leg should be at least 90 degrees, The knee must not protrude over your toes, Then put your feet back together and repeat the exercise with the other leg. In the lunge, especially the butt and thighs are stretched.

4. Stand scale for the trunk muscles

The stand scale is also one of the most effective warm-up exercises. Stretch the left leg out to the back and tilt your upper body forward. The right leg can be slightly bent

Do not rest your hands on your thigh, but stretch straight forward, until you form a straight line as possible, If you have held the exercise for a few seconds, you can change the leg.

5. Touch the ground with your fingers

There are stretching exercises that are harder for some people than others. Touching your toes with your fingers from a standing position is definitely one of those exercises. You can, however, train your muscles and stretch them slowlyso that after a while you will not have any problems getting your fingers or even your whole hand down to the ground.

For starters, you can put your toes on a curb, for example, to reduce the distance slightly. If you train the stretch every day for a few minutes, you will achieve great progress after a short time, However, it can also be due to glued fascia that your connective tissue is not elastic enough. In this case, you should perform targeted fascia training to relax the tension.

Video Recommendation:

4 Quick Exercise Warm-Ups (April 2024).

Workout, fitness, muscle training, fitness program