Umeboshi: Easily detoxify with the ume fruit

What is the umeboshi?

Umeboshi ("dry plum") is Ume fruit, which are soured with salt. It is also known as Japanese plum or Japanese apricot. Umeboshi has been used for centuries as a remedy for various health conditions.

Originally the ume fruit comes from China, but in Japan it is just as widespread? It is often consumed with breakfast along with some green tea. Ume liqueur is also available in many Asian restaurants worldwide. The Umeboshi has the same meaning for the Japanese as an apple for us: One a day keeps the doctor away.

What can the umeboshi do?

The following Health effects are said to be Japanese plums:

  • purifies: Since they have a detoxifying effect on the body, the fruits are considered as detox helpers
  • Helps gently with stomach problems: For nausea or constipation, it helps to take a umeboshi on an empty stomach in combination with a large glass of water
  • detoxifies: The plum stimulates the liver and kidneys, flushing out toxins more quickly
  • Acts basic: Umeboshi are basic fruits and help against hyperacidity. Acidification is often associated with poor skin texture
  • stimulates: The regeneration of the body is stimulated by the plum
  • Strengthens the immune system: The ume fruit is left sour for up to two months. The "lactic acid fermentation" used in this process produces more of the good lactic acid bacteria that strengthen the intestinal flora, which in turn supports the immune system
  • Defeat the cat: The sour-salty taste of the umeboshi helps in the morning after a night of drinking and plenty of alcohol. The fruit refreshes and provides us with all the minerals that we need against hangover symptoms such as tiredness and headaches

Why the fruit is not something for everyone

As healthy as the Umeboshi is? Not everyone can taste it, because the sour-salty taste is very intense. But: Umeboshi is also available as paste ("Ume Su"), which is suitable, for example, for seasoning dishes and with which you can naturally detoxify.

Videotipp: hangover? These tricks help against hangover!

Liver Cleanser & Cancer Fighter (May 2024).

Japan, plum, China, detox, detoxification