Two mothers in the 39th Week - so big is the difference between baby bellies

A post shared by? Brittany Aeee? (@__magneticnorth__) on May 31, 2016 at 5:55 pm

Strong photo: Pregnancies look so different!

A picture is worth a thousand words: Athlete Brittany Aäe posted this photo of herself and Model Tess Holilday with a message to us all on Instagram: Stop telling women what a "normal" pregnancy looks like! In the text, she tells us which prejudices she is repeatedly confronted with:

"Let's stop body shaming!"

"In this picture, these two women are at the same point in their pregnancy - 39 weeks on the left is the gorgeous Tess Holliday, who looks saucool, and on the right I'm with the well-defined abdominals .. She's a curvy model, I'm a wiry Mountain Athlete: Both of us are being criticized for our figure - her for her curves, me for her delicacy - we both had completely healthy pregnancies so far, as our doctors confirm, and we both make self-determined decisions about our own health.

Why does our society have to put down women whose bodies do not adhere to any narrow idea of ​​false normalcy?

Let's keep our thoughts and opinions about other people's clothing size for us. Pregnancy is exhausting enough without all the body-shaming. "

Every baby ball is unique

A clear message that you can not repeat often enough. Tess Holliday goes one step further on her Instagram profile and explains with much less politeness: "If someone wants to make you uninvited rules about what's best for you and your baby, it's perfectly okay to tell them they're going to fuck off should."

All we can say is that no matter if grandmothers, other mothers or any strangers on the street: If nobody asks you for your opinion about pregnancy and child, it is really, REALLY better, just shut up.

Video Recommendation:

Pregnancy: Making it to 39 Weeks (May 2024).

Baby Belly, Instagram, Tess Holliday, Pregnant, Pregnancy, Belly, Instagram, Women, Mothers