Twins hold hands at birth

Gemini have a special connection even before they are born. The two girls Jenna and Jillian from Ohio are a rare case: Unlike many other twins they grew up in a common amniotic sac and shared the placenta. So-called monochorionic monoamniotic twins are risky pregnancies, not infrequently the umbilical cords are knotted or one child develops at the expense of the other.

Jenna and Jillian did it. After 33 weeks and two days, not only did they see the light of day at the same minute, they also held hands. "You are already best friends, I can not believe it," said her mother Sarah Thistlethwaite.

Newborn Twins Holding Hands Goes Viral (WKYC) (April 2024).

Gemini, birth, amniotic sac, Ohio, twins, birth